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LinkedIn Algorithm Explained & How It Works

LinkedIn Algorithm Explained & How It Works
Last updated: January 23, 2024
Reading time: 10 minutes
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LinkedIn has always been a powerful platform for businesses and individuals to connect with potential employers, customers, and partners. To make the most of LinkedIn, it’s important to understand how the LinkedIn algorithm works.

That’s why we’ll share everything you need about LinkedIn ranking signals and the best LinkedIn SEO practices. You’ll also learn the top mistakes to avoid to optimize your profile for better visibility.

And by the end of this guide, you’ll get to know how Dripify can help you beat the LinkedIn algorithm to your advantage. Let’s start with the basics first!

What Is the LinkedIn Algorithm?

The LinkedIn algorithm is the set of rules the platform uses to determine which content to show in users’ feeds. Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn uses algorithms to personalize users’ feeds according to their interests and interactions.

The algorithm works on a large scale, and LinkedIn constantly updates it to show users the most relevant content. However, LinkedIn does not reveal how exactly its algorithm works.

But don’t worry; we can still piece together the algorithm by understanding how it responds to different actions. Let’s get a little deeper into how it works.

How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work?

How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work

When you post any content on LinkedIn, the network’s bot categorizes it and compares it with the other content in that category. Your content passes through these three main filters:

  • Clear content
  • Low-quality content
  • Spam

After the bot categorizes your content, it will go through several steps to determine how relevant and valuable it is for LinkedIn users. The algorithm will also consider your authority and credibility, as well as any red flags, such as excessive self-promotion or spammy language.

Based on these factors, your post will be given a certain visibility score that ultimately determines where it appears in news feeds for your connections.

If your content falls into the “clear” category, the LinkedIn algorithm may serve your content to a small group and then to a large group if it sparks engagement in the first stage.

The LinkedIn algorithm considers different factors to decide which posts should be shown to each user. These factors or ranking signals can be broadly classified into three categories:

  1. Engagement signals
  2. Recency signals
  3. Composition signals

Let’s take a closer look at each of these ranking signals and see how you can use them to your advantage.

1. Engagement Signals

Engagement signals allow LinkedIn to present its users with the most relevant and engaging content. 

Some engagement signals that LinkedIn looks at include:

  • The number of likes, comments, and shares a post receives.
  • The ratio of negative comments to positive interactions on a post.
  • The number of times a user interacts with a piece of content (e.g., clicks, views, reads).
  • How long a user spends interacting with a piece of content?
  • Whether or not a user has hidden or reported a piece of content.

So as you can see, it’s important to create content that is not only relevant but also engaging. Otherwise, your content might get lost in the noise. 

2. Recency Signals

In addition to engagement, LinkedIn always favors fresh content over older ones. So if you can regularly post new and relevant content, your content and profile will likely appear in users’ feeds.

Here’re some recency LinkedIn ranking signals:

  • When a post was published.
  • How often is new content published?
  • When did a user last interact with a piece of content?
  • When was the content last updated?

As such, it’s important to post regularly and keep your content up-to-date. Plus, you must try to know the best time to post on LinkedIn for your audience.

3. Composition Signals

LinkedIn also looks at the composition of your posts to determine which ones to show in users’ feeds. This includes:

  • Length of the content
  • Whether your content includes images, videos, and other rich media
  • The number of connections a user has with the author of the content
  • Whether or not a connection has shared the content

By understanding how LinkedIn ranking signals work, you can develop a better strategy for creating and sharing content on the platform. 

Now let’s look at some of the best practices for LinkedIn SEO.

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How to Beat LinkedIn Algorithm: 13 Practical Tips

Read on for our practical tips to make your profile stand out and increase your visibility to potential connections, customers, or employers. 

1. Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

First, you must ensure that your LinkedIn profile is well-optimized and looks its best. This means enhancing your profile, so it is search-friendly and professional.

Here’re what you can do to improve your LinkedIn profile:

  • Showcase a professional photo (with a little smiling face).
  • Go for an up-to-date and story-centric profile summary.
  • Share well-written experience descriptions.
  • Add a catchy profile cover photo with actionable CTA.
  • Make your headline more than just a job title.
  • Showcase the services you offer.

It is always a good idea to showcase your skills and accomplishments in your profile so people can see why they should connect with you.

2. Choose the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

Choose the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

The best time to post on LinkedIn depends on your audience and location. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow.

According to our research, the best times to post on LinkedIn are:

Tuesday: 10 AM, 12 PM, 5–6 PM

Wednesday: 7:30–8:30 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 5–6 PM

Thursday: 10 AM, 12 PM, 3–4 PM

Friday: 7:30–8:30 AM

Of course, you can experiment with different times to see what works best for you and your audience.

Read also: Best Time to Send Cold Emails

3. Engage With Other Users’ Content

When you like, comment, or share someone else’s post, it helps build relationships and gets you in front of their audience. And that can lead to more connections, engagement, and opportunities.

To get the most out of your interactions:

  • Like posts that are truly interesting to you.
  • Add thoughtful comments that contribute to the conversation.
  • Share posts that will be valuable to your connections.

When you’re active on LinkedIn, you’re more likely to get noticed by the algorithm and have your content featured in users’ feeds.

4. Use Keywords in Your Posts 

LinkedIn is not just a social network but also a search engine for professionals across the globe. As such, using keywords in your profile and content can help you rank higher in searches.

Keywords can help you:

  • Get found more easily by potential connections.
  • Make your content more relevant to your audience.
  • Demonstrate your expertise on a certain topic.

To use keywords effectively on LinkedIn, use them in the following sections:

  • Your profile summary
  • Your experience descriptions
  • Your skills section
  • Your headline
  • Your posts and articles, of course.

Make sure to research the best keywords for your profile and content so that you can attract more views, engagement, and connections.

Related article: How to Create an Outstanding Post on LinkedIn

5. Post Consistently and Frequently

As stated earlier, the more active you are on LinkedIn, the more likely you are to be noticed by the algorithm. When you post content, LinkedIn’s algorithm picks it as a signal that you’re active. 

But how often should you be posting? There’s no magic number, but we recommend posting at least a few times weekly. And in doing so, make sure it’s high-quality content that will add value to your connections.

Here’s what you may like to post on LinkedIn:

  • Insights and advice related to your industry or niche.
  • Updates on your company or products.
  • Links to helpful resources.
  • Your original research or blog posts.

You’re more likely to get noticed and build meaningful relationships when you provide value to your connections through insightful posts. But don’t forget to mix in some personal updates so people can get to know you as a person, not just a business.

However, be moderate with posting promotional or salesly content, as it will make you appear spammy and turn people off. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that only 20% of your content is promotional.

6. Include Relevant Hashtags in Your Posts

Include Relevant Hashtags in Your LinkedIn Posts

Hashtags are a great way to make your content more discoverable on LinkedIn. Using relevant hashtags can help you reach a larger audience and get more engagement on your posts.

Try using different types of hashtags in your LinkedIn posts, such as:

  • General hashtags that are relevant to your topic.
  • Industry-specific hashtags that are specific to your niche.
  • Location-based hashtags if you’re targeting a specific region or city.
  • Event-based hashtags if you’re promoting an upcoming event.
  • Trending hashtags to tap into the latest conversation trends.

7. Personalize Connection Requests

When you want to connect with someone on LinkedIn, don’t just click the “Connect” button and send the default message. Instead, take a few seconds to personalize your request so the person knows why they should connect with you.

When you send a personalized connection request, you may want to mention the following:

  • How you know each other.
  • What you have in common.
  • Why do you want to connect?

A personalized request helps the other person understand why it would be beneficial to connect with you. And when you make it easy for people to see the value in connecting with you, you’re more likely to get a positive response.

Related article: How to Send Connection Requests by Email with Dripify

8. Get Endorsements and Recommendations 

LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations are a great way to show off your skills and expertise. And when you share these endorsements and recommendations on your profile, you’re more likely to attract the attention of the LinkedIn ranking signals. 

9. Join and Actively Participate in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups are a great way to connect with like-minded professionals and industry experts. When looking for groups to join, look for ones relevant to your industry or interests. And once you’ve joined a group, ensure to participate in the discussions actively.

The algorithm will work in your favor when you’re active in LinkedIn groups because it understands you want to build relationships with other professionals. Plus, you can use groups to promote your content and drive traffic to your website.

10. Update Your Profile Regularly

Your LinkedIn profile is one of the first places people will go to learn more about you and your business. That’s why keeping your profile up-to-date with the latest information about your skills and experience is essential.

Plus, updating your profile regularly helps LinkedIn understand that you’re an active user. And when LinkedIn sees that you’re actively engaged on the platform, the algorithm is more likely to show your content to a wider audience.

11. Share Diverse Content

LinkedIn users are interested in a variety of content types. So it’s important to share a mix of content to keep your connections engaged.

Some content ideas you can share on LinkedIn include the following:

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • Slideshows
  • Blog posts

12. Use a LinkedIn Automation Tool

LinkedIn algorithm: Use a LinkedIn Automation Tool

The tips given above may seem like a lot of work. Doing these tasks regularly can consume much of your time. Thankfully, the best LinkedIn automation software can take care of many repetitive tasks. 

You may want to use a safe LinkedIn automation tool like Dripify to help you with your LinkedIn marketing. Dripify is a tool that allows you to automate your LinkedIn interactions. With Dripify, you can:

  • Send automated messages to your connections.
  • Share content with your connections automatically.
  • Endorse and recommend your connections automatically.
  • Visit profiles, send connection requests, and do much more in an autopilot mood.

Related article: Using LinkedIn Automation Safely

13. Use LinkedIn Advertising

This isn’t necessarily a LinkedIn ranking signal or SEO practice. But paid advertising options can help you reach your target audience. LinkedIn Ads are effective in promoting your content and driving traffic to your website.

LinkedIn also offers Sponsored InMail, which allows you to send personalized messages directly to users’ inboxes. And with Sponsored InMail, you can track message open and click-through rates to determine the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

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Mistakes to Avoid in Order Not to Be Blacklisted from the LinkedIn Algorithm

If you don’t want to get blacklisted from the LinkedIn algorithm, here are some mistakes to avoid:

1. Doing Too Much Self-Promotion 

While sharing content on LinkedIn, it’s important to focus on value delivery. That means sharing helpful and informative content that can help your contacts in one way or another. 

Sharing too much self-promotional content means you’re risking turning off LinkedIn users. And if you’re not providing value, LinkedIn is less likely to show your content to other users. 

So, don’t be spammy, and don’t use too many hashtags. 

2. Publishing Your Content at the Wrong Time

If you want your content to be seen by as many people as possible, you must share it at the right time. That means understanding when your target audience is most active on LinkedIn.

To find the best time to post on LinkedIn, we recommend you experiment with different times and days of the week. Then pick the time and days that drive the highest engagement. 

3. Not Having a Publishing Strategy

A publishing strategy helps you determine what kind of content you’ll share, how often you’ll share it, and whom you’ll share it with.

When you have a publishing strategy, you’re more likely to produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. And when you produce quality content, you’re more likely to get noticed by the LinkedIn algorithm.

What Can You Do to Use the LinkedIn Algorithm to Your Advantage?

The LinkedIn algorithm is always changing. So it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest changes and adjust your strategy accordingly.

But there are a few things that don’t change. For example, the tips we have shared are almost always relevant. So, make sure to implement these tips to improve your LinkedIn algorithm.

The first and most important thing is your LinkedIn profile. So if your profile looks like everyone else’s, you’re not going to stand out. With over 95% of LinkedIn users having the same profile, it’s tough to stand out and get your message across. You need something that will catch people’s attention and make them want to learn more about you.

LinkedIn profile makeover

A professionally done Dripify LinkedIn profile makeover can help you cut through the noise and get noticed on the network. 

Dripify’s LinkedIn profile writing service will help update your profile with fresh new content and images, ensuring that it stands out from the rest. Not only will this increase your chances of being found by potential clients or employers, but it will also show that you’re serious about your professional brand.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide


There are few hidden algorithms that drive the world of online marketing as much as the ones that drive LinkedIn. Over time, LinkedIn’s algorithm strategy has proven to be very effective – especially when combined with their unique take on user privacy and content visibility. 

LinkedIn’s algorithm is complicated and relies on several different factors to determine where your content will appear for other users, how many people will see your updates, and if you should appear in its related user suggestions. 

That said, there are a few general but most important principles we have covered in this post.  You may want to use this post as a guide to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that as many people see your content as possible.

Also, remember that the LinkedIn algorithm is designed to show users the most relevant and interesting content. So, if you’re not providing value, you will not get noticed.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies and tactics. This will help you find what works best for you.

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