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Using LinkedIn Automation Safely

Using LinkedIn Automation Safely
Last updated: June 10, 2024
Reading time: 7 minutes
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Sending invitation requests is critical to growing your LinkedIn network. Unfortunately, crafting personalized messages for each connection can be time-consuming and tiring.

That’s where LinkedIn automation enters the frame. While the tool gets a bad reputation due to unwarranted assumptions, used correctly, the best LinkedIn automation tools can help you prospect and generate leads more effectively.

What Is LinkedIn Automation?

LinkedIn automation is when members use software to automate various tasks on LinkedIn, such as connecting, endorsing, connecting with other people, etc.

Although often confused as one, LinkedIn bots are pretty different from automation tools. The former automates a task, whereas LinkedIn automation tools allow you to personalize texts to offer a humanized experience. But not, unlike LinkedIn bots, all these software can save you time and help you grow your network.

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

Why Does LinkedIn Automation Matter?

LinkedIn automation tools don’t only help save time; they do a lot more. It includes:

  • Helping you find new connections and potential customers;
  • Building relationships with influencers;
  • Fostering deep connections with your network;
  • Generating new leads and conversions.

Now let’s look into some of these pros in detail:

Spare You Resources

It’s no surprise that the LinkedIn automation software helps you save time. But by automating various tasks, you can spend time on other tasks.

Offer Personalization Options

Use LinkedIn Automation Safely: Offer Personalization Options

Safe LinkedIn automation tools help you personalize your outreach. That way, your prospects receive human-like messages with personalized offers.

Assist with Outreach Reporting

LinkedIn automation tools can help you track performance, including the number of replies, conversions, messages sent, etc. That way, you can receive detailed analytics on your campaigns.

Allow You to A/B Test Campaigns

A/B testing features are ideal for experimenting with outreach templates and analyzing which encourages the most replies. With a LinkedIn automation tool, you can create and analyze split test campaigns.

Build and Improve Relationships with Your Network

LinkedIn automation is unique because it allows you to automate your interactions with other users. That way, you can connect with more LinkedIn users, interact regularly, and build deep relationships.

Boost and Optimize Your Profile

A LinkedIn automation tool can help you boost your online presence. In addition, it enables you to create a profile with valuable content, such as videos, articles, and presentations. This allows you capture more visitors to your LinkedIn account and rank higher in search results.

How to Use LinkedIn Automation Tools Correctly?

Unsafe use of LinkedIn automation tools isn’t just risky and can damage your brand image. For that reason, you must learn how to use the tool appropriately:

Identify Your LinkedIn Goals

Before investing in a LinkedIn automation tool, ask yourself what goals you want to achieve with it. For instance, do you want to:

  • Generate qualified leads;
  • Promote your content;
  • Build a deep connection with your followers;
  • Expand your professional network;
  • Or all of the above?

After you identify your goals, you can set up your LinkedIn automation campaign.

Send Personalized Messages to Your 1st-Degree Connections

LinkedIn automation tools enable you to send attention-grabbing messages to your first-degree connections. That way, you can save time and expand your reach. Using its search and filter functionality, you can personalize your message to attract decision-makers or specific sectors.

Find the Ideal LinkedIn Automation Tool

Here’s the truth:

All LinkedIn automation tools were not created equal. That means you need to pick one that matches your needs carefully. Compare the features and functionality of various tools to find one that helps you reach your LinkedIn goals.

Set Up a LinkedIn Automation Campaign

Once you choose the perfect LinkedIn automation tool that resonates with your goals, you can start crafting your LinkedIn automation campaign. Typically, automation tools provide different options to develop a customized campaign.

Ensure you choose the correct settings by keeping your LinkedIn goals in mind. Consider the frequency of posts, the type of content you want to share, and your target audience to set up the perfect campaign.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

Best Practices for Safe LinkedIn Automation

Mitigate the risk of getting restricted or banned on LinkedIn by learning how to use LinkedIn automation tools safely.

Here we provide you with a safety tips to follow as best practices to automate LinkedIn tasks:

Don’t Start Right Away

If you automate your LinkedIn profile and suddenly receive 1000+ connections, LinkedIn views that as suspicious behavior. So, avoid using automation on a new LinkedIn profile. Give it time to build 100+ first-degree connections before you start using automation. Consider building a network using the ‘people you may know’ feature.

Scale Up Slowly

Use LinkedIn Automation Safely: Scale Up Slowly

After creating your network, start automating and scaling up slowly. We recommend sending 20-30 invites per day for over a week or so. Once you develop a pattern, you can scale up 50, 75, and 100 invites. Ensure you choose a tool with inbuilt safety limits to avoid getting your profile restricted.

Simulate Human Behavior

Overactive accounts that get a sudden boost in connections prompt suspicions that you’re using an automation tool. Such behavior also puts you at risk of getting flagged or restricted.

Therefore, avoid sharing too much content or comments in a short time. Focus on simulating human behavior by sending invites, and connection requests you believe are humanly possible.

Avoid Getting Restricted from Sending Invitations

LinkedIn can temporarily restrict your activity if you invite many people who report your profile or don’t respond.

Instead of sending connection requests to random people, check your People Also Viewed box and automate personalized invitations. Highlight something you have in common or a mutual benefit the connection would bring. This helps you build credibility and encourage a positive response.

In addition, add a professional profile photo, an eye-catching headline, and a compelling summary that clearly describes your skills and service or job role to your prospects.

For this, we recommend using Dripify automation tool that enables you to filter saved lists, tag, delete, blacklist contacts, personalize messages and track connect rates.

Withdraw Pending Invites

Use LinkedIn Automation Safely: Withdraw Pending Invites

LinkedIn takes many unaccepted invites as a sign that you’re sending connection requests to people you do not know-violating their terms. Thus, we recommend deleting invites that don’t get accepted within 30 to 45 days.

Avoid Being Spammy

Irrelevant, impersonalized, and spammy messages are the quickest way to drive away customers. So, focus on creating personalized messages or reaching out to people you have something in common with.

Don’t Abuse LinkedIn Features

LinkedIn offers various features that members tend to abuse by using incorrectly. For instance, if you join LinkedIn Groups, avoid spamming them with promotional materials.

Monitor and Adjust Your LinkedIn Automation Campaign

Use LinkedIn Automation Safely: Monitor and Adjust Your LinkedIn Automation Campaign

After launching a LinkedIn automation campaign, you must monitor and adjust it according to your needs. LinkedIn provides users with various metrics that help measure the performance and success of your campaigns. If the results don’t match your goals, you can change the settings to try something new.

Set Your LinkedIn Range

Another excellent way of using LinkedIn automation tools safely is by creating a LinkedIn Range. Normally, a LinkedIn Range is 3 to 5% of your total connections. Therefore, users with 1000 contacts should send up to 20 connection requests. Ensure you don’t exceed this limit, or you’ll risk getting flagged.

Choose a Tool that Lets You Set Limits

Use LinkedIn Automation Safely: Choose a Tool that Lets You Set Limits

As we discussed, using automation to transform 100 connections into 10,000 within a week can cause LinkedIn to restrict your account. So, do your research and find a tool that allows you to set maximum daily limits. In addition, ensure your desired LinkedIn automation software mimics human interactions.

Stay Active

Remember that LinkedIn automation tools are not replacements for human interaction. While using this software can help save time, you should avoid solely relying on them to find contacts and close deals. Take time to participate in discussions and share original content to keep your profile active.

Dripify Is the Safest LinkedIn Automation Tool

Looking for the perfect LinkedIn automation tool to supercharge your LinkedIn B2B lead generation and prospecting strategy?

Then look no further, for Dripify is your all-in-one solution with an extra safety features. The innovative multifunctional LinkedIn automation tool lets you put prospecting and lead generation on autopilot.

That means, while you’re working on other tasks, Dripify is using its magic to help you gain more prospects and close more deals!

With this revolutionary tool, you can create drip campaigns, scrape LinkedIn contacts and export them to CSV files, build a sales funnel with an automated sequence, and go beyond LinkedIn’s limits to grow your brand quickly and effectively.

Benefits of Using Dripify LinkedIn Automation Tool

Using Dripify means bypassing LinkedIn’s limits without risking your profile’s safety. But that’s not the only benefit.

Here are some perks of choosing Dripify:

Boosts and Optimizes Your Profile

LinkedIn Profile Makeover Dripify: Boosts and Optimizes Your Profile Safe

Dripify not only makes networking easier but also helps create a more substantial presence. Such automation tools help populate your profile with valuable content, including presentations, videos, and articles. The rich content attracts more people to your profile and allows you to rank higher in search results. Order our professional LinkedIn Profile Makeover service with a discount!!!

Generates Leads and Sales

Automation tools such as Dripify help generate leads. When you automate your LinkedIn activities, you can reach out to more partners and customers, which would have been impossible otherwise. These automation tools convert leads into loyal customers and clients. Therefore, automation tools help you easily connect with more people, grow your network, and boost visibility.

How to Protect Your LinkedIn Account?

You can now protect your LinkedIn profile by using the following tips:

Think before acting

  • Never accept fake connection requests;
  • Never click on dodgy links sent through messages.

Manage your account settings

  • Use the the 2-step verification to protect your account;
  • Put a unique password that contains letters, symbols and numbers;
  • Update your password frequently;
  • Keep an alternate email address for backup;
  • Add your mobile number to account settings.
Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


Now that you’ve learned the pros of the LinkedIn automation tool, consider using it to enhance your outreach and networking strategies. Follow the tips and best practices discussed above to safely automate prospecting and lead generation.

With Dripify, you can automate your LinkedIn day-to-day tasks, access valuable data, and expand your network without risking the safety of your profile.

Get started today to enjoy safe LinkedIn outreach automation!

Dripify – LinkedIn automation tool

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