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LinkedIn Outreach: Connecting with Purpose and Impact

LinkedIn Outreach: Connecting with Purpose and Impact
Last updated: July 25, 2024
Reading time: 14 minutes
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Welcome to the world of LinkedIn outreach, where the power of connection meets purpose and impact. If you’re a B2B marketer, you’re in the right place to learn the ins and outs of this game-changing strategy. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you want to know about LinkedIn outreach, from what it is to how you can use it effectively. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to take your outreach efforts to the next level.

What Is LinkedIn Outreach?

LinkedIn outreach is a strategy where you reach out to potential connections and engage with them on the LinkedIn platform. This could be for various reasons, like building a network, generating leads, finding job opportunities, seeking advice, or even business partnerships.

Unlike old-school approaches like cold calling or sending unsolicited emails, LinkedIn outreach leverages the power of social networking. It’s akin to attending an event where you can meet people with shared interests and aspirations.

Outreach on LinkedIn begins with sending connection requests, just like saying, “Hey, let’s connect on LinkedIn”. Once accepted, you can think of it as a virtual handshake. You can use a direct LinkedIn outreach message to initiate a chat from there. Alternatively, you can send InMails to converse with your second or third-degree connections

The good news is that LinkedIn outreach allows you to connect with professionals in your industry or those who share your interests. This means you can easily discover people who could be your clients, mentors, collaborators, or potential employers.

But it’s not just about expanding your network; it’s about building meaningful relationships and day-to-day networking. For instance, you can send personalized messages or engage with other people’s content to show your genuine interest and establish a strong connection.

And don’t forget, it works both ways. Think about what you can offer, not just what you want. Share your knowledge, contribute to discussions, and be a valuable member of the LinkedIn community. This will not only benefit you but also those you connect with.

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How to Send a Cold Outreach on LinkedIn

Sending a cold LinkedIn message might sound a bit daunting, but fear not. We’ve got your back, and we’ll walk you through the steps to make it as effective and painless as possible. Before that, check the article for more detailed information on how to reach out to someone on LinkedIn.

1. LinkedIn Connection Request

LinkedIn Outreach: LinkedIn Connection Request

Sending a LinkedIn connection request is the initial step in starting a professional relationship with someone on the platform. This action opens the door to further communication and networking opportunities.

When you send a connection request, you’re essentially expressing your interest in connecting with another LinkedIn member, whether to grow your professional network, explore job opportunities, or seek advice.

But how do you send a connection request on LinkedIn? Let’s check out the steps:

  • Find the Right Person: First, find the LinkedIn profile of the person you want to connect with. You can use the search bar to find them or explore profiles of users who appear in your network or suggested connections.
  • Click “Connect”: Once on their profile, click the “Connect” button. You’ll usually find this button near the person’s profile picture or under their name.
  • Personalize Your Request: This is a crucial step. Don’t just send a generic connection request; instead, personalize it by clicking “Add a Note”. In the note, introduce yourself briefly and explain why you’d like to connect. For example, mention a shared interest, a mutual connection, or your desire to explore job opportunities. This personal touch goes a long way in making a positive impression.
  • Send the Request: After you’ve written a personalized message, hit the “Send” button. Your connection request will be sent to the person, along with your note.

If the person accepts your request, you can start engaging with their content and building a genuine professional relationship.

Remember, when sending connection requests, it’s important to be respectful and professional. Avoid sending too many requests in a short span of time, and ensure that your profile is complete and reflects your professional identity. Compare InMail vs connection request on LinkedIn.

2. Direct Message

Once your connection request has been accepted, it’s time to send a direct LinkedIn outreach message. This is where you can have meaningful one-on-one conversations with your connections. It’s a fantastic way to deepen professional relationships, seek advice, or discuss potential collaborations.

When the moment is right, and you’ve identified someone you’d like to converse with, click the “Message” button on their profile. This is your gateway to starting a meaningful conversation.

It is a good idea to begin the conversation with a warm greeting and then introduce yourself if you think the person might not remember you well. Also, it is recommended to mention a mutual connection or a shared interest to get the conversation started.

Next, be clear and purposeful. Get straight to the point. Whether discussing a problem, seeking advice, or catching up, state your purpose clearly and concisely.

To keep the conversation engaging, it is good to ask thoughtful questions related to the other person’s expertise or recent achievements. This not only sparks interesting discussions but also shows that you value their insights.

Also, remember that not everyone can reply instantly, so be patient and allow them some time to get back to you. And when the conversation starts, maintain professionalism in your language. 

If the conversation goes well, feel free to follow up in the future, whether for a new discussion or to express gratitude for their insights or assistance.

In doing so, remember that it’s not just about what you want – it’s also about building a mutually beneficial collaboration in the long run. So, dive into your inbox, start those conversations, and watch your professional network flourish.

3. InMail

With LinkedIn InMails, you can send messages to people you’re not connected with, provided you have a premium subscription or enough InMail credits. It’s a powerful tool for reaching out to prospects beyond your immediate network.

Let’s have a look for some of LinkedIn InMail best practices:

  1. Accessing InMail: To send an InMail, click the “Message” button on a person’s profile, even if they’re not in your network. You’ll be prompted to choose between a free message or an InMail message.
  1. InMail Credits: Be aware that InMail messages usually cost credits, and you might have a limited number based on your LinkedIn subscription. As such, you must use them wisely and only for critical connections.
  1. Subject Line Matters: Write a compelling subject line. As with email, a good subject line can make your message more likely to be opened. It should be concise but attention-grabbing.
  1. Personalized Messages: As always, personalize your InMail message. Explain why you’re reaching out, express your interest, and be clear about how the connection would be mutually beneficial. Tailoring your message is key here.
  1. Clear Call to Action: End your InMail with a clear call to action. Ask for a response, a meeting, or any specific action that moves the conversation forward.
  1. Follow-Up: If you don’t get a response to your InMail, following up is perfectly fine. Remember, people may be too busy or miss messages. InMail can be a potent tool, but it’s vital to use it thoughtfully. Not everyone is open to receiving messages from strangers, so be respectful and professional in your approach.

4. Message Request

Message requests are messages received from connections outside your network. These can be a goldmine of potential leads. It’s crucial to handle them with care, as these individuals aren’t connected with you yet.

In fact, a message request is a lesser-known gem that can help you establish connections even when you don’t have the person’s email address. It’s particularly useful for reaching out to people you might have met at a conference, a seminar, or other events but didn’t get the chance to exchange contact details.

So, how can you harness the power of message requests on LinkedIn?

  • Spotting Message Requests: Start by checking your LinkedIn inbox regularly. Message Requests will show up here, and you may find hidden networking opportunities waiting.
LinkedIn Outreach: Spotting Message Requests
  • Politeness and Professionalism: Just like with connection requests, take a professional approach when you get a Message Request. The person sending the message might have a specific reason for reaching out, so be courteous in your response.
  • Personalize Your Reply: If someone has sent you a Message Request, they’ve taken the initiative to connect. Acknowledge that effort and personalize your response. Share your appreciation and, if applicable, inquire about the context in which you met.
  • Open the Conversation: Message Requests often open the door to meaningful conversations. Be ready to discuss your common interests, potential collaboration, or just the opportunity to exchange insights.
  • Respect Privacy: Remember that not everyone may accept or send Message Requests to strangers. So, be respectful of privacy and professional boundaries. Message Requests can be the bridge to building relationships with people you’ve crossed paths with but haven’t connected with yet on LinkedIn. So, keep an eye on your LinkedIn inbox and be open to these hidden gems that may come your way.
The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

How to Do Outreach on LinkedIn Correctly

Doing outreach on LinkedIn requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to do it right:

1. Optimize Your Profile

Before reaching out to others, ensure that your LinkedIn profile is a standout representation of your professional self. This includes using a high-quality profile picture, creating a compelling headline, and crafting an engaging summary. Think of your profile as your digital business card, and make it count. Check LinkedIn SEO best practices to improve your account.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Understand who your ideal connections are. This step is crucial because it helps you concentrate on connecting and interacting with the people most relevant to your goals. Consider factors like job titles, industries, and locations to pinpoint your target audience.

3. Personalize Your Messages

One-size-fits-all messages don’t cut it in LinkedIn outreach. When sending connection requests and direct messages, take the time to customize each one. 

Mention common interests, shared experiences, or something specific from their profile to show that you’ve done your homework. Personalization can go a long way in sparking genuine conversations.

4. Engage Regularly

LinkedIn Outreach: Engage Regularly

Be an active participant in the LinkedIn community. For example, you can post and share content related to your industry, comment on others’ posts, and engage in relevant discussions. Staying active will make you more visible and memorable in your network.

5. Offer Value

The most effective outreach starts with giving, not asking. As such, always try to provide valuable insights, share helpful content, or offer assistance even before you consider asking for anything in return. Being a resource rather than a solicitor can set you apart.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is the key when it comes to outreach on LinkedIn. You should allocate dedicated time each day or week to connect with new people, nurture existing connections, and engage in meaningful conversations. This consistency not only keeps your network growing but also ensures you remain on people’s radar.

7. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Consider investing in LinkedIn Sales Navigator, a premium outreach tool, if your budget allows. It equips you with advanced search filters, lead recommendations, and additional insights to significantly enhance your prospecting and outreach efforts.

8. A/B Test Your Messages

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different messaging approaches. It is good to test various subject lines, opening lines, and call-to-actions to determine what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to refine your messaging strategy continually.

9. Leverage LinkedIn Automation Tools

As your network grows and the scope of your outreach campaigns expands, you want to save time and streamline your workflow, and that’s why that’s why businesses need Dripify. Dripify is one of the best LinkedIn automation tools out there that saves you time, streamlines your outreach processes, and supercharges your LinkedIn lead generation.  

From sending connection requests, following up with connections, and endorsing skills to scanning profiles and sending personalized messages, you can rest assured everything will be done in autopilot mode – that’s why sales teams need Dripify!

How to Track LinkedIn Outreach

Tracking the effectiveness of your LinkedIn outreach is essential for making informed decisions, refining your strategy, and maximizing your results. 

Here’s how to effectively track your LinkedIn outreach campaigns:

1. LinkedIn Analytics: LinkedIn offers built-in analytics to help you monitor your outreach performance. You can access data on profile views, search appearances, post impressions, and changes in the number of followers.

LinkedIn Outreach: LinkedIn Analytics

2. CRM Systems: CRM systems are powerful tools for tracking your LinkedIn outreach. Also, some automated LinkedIn outreach tools allow you to centralize your data, record interactions with leads and prospects, and set follow-up reminders.

3. Google Analytics: If your LinkedIn outreach strategy involves driving traffic to your website, Google Analytics is a must-have. It enables you to track the behavior of LinkedIn-driven traffic, such as page interesting views, conversions, and lead generation.

4. Click Tracking: If you’re sharing content or links in your messages, consider using link tracking tools such as Bitly or UTM parameters in your URLs. This helps you trace the performance of specific links in terms of click-through rates.

5. Response Metrics: Keep an eye on response metrics within LinkedIn. Track the number of replies, follow-up conversations, and engagement on your messages. This data provides insights into the effectiveness of your communication and the level of interest from your connections.

6. Connection Acceptance Rate: Measure how many of your connection requests are accepted. A high acceptance rate indicates that your profile and initial outreach appeal to your target audience.

7. Message Response Rate: Calculate the percentage of responses to your direct messages. This metric indicates the effectiveness of your message content and its ability to engage your connections.

8. Engagement on Shared Content: If you share posts or content on LinkedIn, measure the likes, comments, and shares your content receives. This reflects the level of interest and interaction among your connections.

9. Sales Pipeline Tracking: If your LinkedIn outreach aims to generate sales leads, create a pipeline to monitor your leads from initial contact to conversion. Doing this allows you to monitor which stage of the sales process your leads are in and prioritize your efforts accordingly.

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

The Benefits of LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn outreach is a powerful strategy for B2B marketers, offering a host of advantages that can significantly impact your professional journey. 

Here, we’ll explore seven key benefits of outreach on LinkedIn:

Quality Leads

LinkedIn is a goldmine of high-quality leads. Unlike most other social platforms, LinkedIn is primarily a professional network, meaning that most of its users are potential decision-makers or professionals in various industries. This means connecting with them can open doors to meaningful partnerships and potential clients genuinely interested in your products or services.

Highly Targeted

One of the standout features of LinkedIn is its advanced targeting capabilities. With LinkedIn’s robust search filters, you can pinpoint the exact individuals you want to connect with using search filters such as job titles, industries, and geographic locations. This level of precision ensures that your outreach campaigns are targeting the most relevant prospects.

Establish Authority

LinkedIn is the best platform to demonstrate your expertise and build your personal brand. You can share valuable content, write articles, and participate in discussions within your niche. This will help position yourself as an industry thought leader. What’s more, this authority can help you gain the trust of your connections and create a solid foundation for fruitful relationships.

Expand Your Network

Your network is your net worth on LinkedIn. The platform’s design encourages you to connect not only with your immediate connections but also with second and third-degree connections. This means you can tap into a vast pool of potential contacts, expanding your reach far beyond your existing network.


LinkedIn outreach can be a cost-effective way to connect with potential clients and partners. Compared to traditional outreach methods like in-person networking events or trade shows, LinkedIn outreach is relatively affordable. It minimizes the need for travel and booth expenses, making it an attractive option for B2B marketers with budget constraints.

Boost Your Campaign Performance

LinkedIn Outreach: Boost Your Campaign Performance

The best part is that you can supercharge your outreach campaign performance with the best LinkedIn lead generation tools like Dripify. A good LinkedIn auto connect tool will allow you to automate your LinkedIn outreach activities like profile visits, skills endorsements, and messages and follow-ups.

What’s more, the Dripify LinkedIn outreach automation tool even allows you to create drip campaigns and send mass messages on LinkedIn. Plus, it lets you analyze your campaign performance and export data that you can use in your email marketing campaigns.

Top 6 LinkedIn Outreach Strategies With Templates

Now, let’s dive into the top six LinkedIn outreach strategies and equip you with outreach templates, putting you on the fast track to success.

1. The Personalized Approach

You want to reach out to potential connections with a personal touch. This LinkedIn cold outreach strategy involves crafting highly personalized messages based on your prospect’s profile, making them feel special and valued. 

Here’re two templates to get you started:

Template 1:

Subject: Connecting with [Name] – [Shared Interest]

Hi [Name],

I noticed your passion for [shared interest] and was genuinely impressed. It’s not every day that you come across someone who shares the same enthusiasm. I believe we could have some engaging conversations and possibly collaborate on exciting projects. Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together!

Warm regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: [Topic] Caught My Eye

Hello [Name],

Your recent post on [topic] caught my eye, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by your insights. Let’s connect and discuss our shared insights further. It’s not every day you find someone who understands the nuances of [topic] so well.

Looking forward to connecting, 

[Your Name]

2. The Thought Leader

Are you keen to be recognized as an industry thought leader? This strategy revolves around sharing valuable content and positioning yourself as an authority in your field. 

You can use and adapt the following templates for this LinkedIn cold outreach strategy: 

Template 1:

Subject: [Article Title]

Hello [Name],

I recently wrote an article titled “[Article Title]” that I believe you might find intriguing. It delves into [brief description of the article content]. I’m excited to hear your take on it. Let’s connect and discuss further.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: [Relevant Content]

Hi [Name],

I thought you might enjoy this [relevant content] I came across. It provides valuable insights into [topic] and could be beneficial for your professional journey. Let’s connect, and I’d be delighted to share more valuable content with you.

Warm wishes, 

[Your Name]

3. The Referral Connection

Referrals can be a golden ticket to meaningful connections. This LinkedIn cold outreach strategy involves leveraging mutual connections for introductions. 

Here are the templates for this approach:

Template 1:

Subject: [Mutual Connection] Recommended We Connect

Hello [Name],

[Mutual Connection] mentioned that you’re an expert in [industry/field], and I’m eager to connect with professionals who share my interests. Their recommendation speaks highly of you, and I’d love to connect and explore potential collaboration.

Warm regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: Connecting via [Mutual Connection]

Hi [Name],

[Mutual Connection] suggested that we should connect as we share similar interests in [topic/industry]. I’m excited to connect with professionals who are passionate about what they do. Let’s explore how we can support each other’s professional journeys.

Looking forward to connecting, 

[Your Name]

4. The Event Networking

Networking at industry events, even virtually, can be a powerful LinkedIn outreach strategy. This approach involves engaging with connections before, during, or after such events. 

You can use the following templates to tap into this outreach strategy:

Template 1:

Subject: Meeting Up at [Event]

Hi [Name],

I noticed that you’ll be attending [event]. It’s a great chance to connect with like-minded professionals. I’d love to meet up virtually during the event and discuss our takeaways. What do you say?

Best wishes, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: Post-[Event] Discussion

Hello [Name],

I hope you enjoyed the recent [event]. It was an insightful experience. I’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss the key takeaways. Let’s connect and explore the synergies between our perspectives.


[Your Name]

5. The Value Giver

Providing value from the get-go is a winning strategy. This approach involves offering a free resource or consultation in your initial message. 

Here’re two templates to kickstart this strategy:

Template 1:

Subject: Complimentary [Resource] for You

Hi [Name],

I’d like to offer you a complimentary [resource] that I believe can greatly assist you in your [objective/goal]. No strings attached — just a gesture of goodwill. Let’s connect, and I’ll send it your way.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: Free Consultation on [Topic]

Hello [Name],

I’d love to provide you with a complimentary consultation on [topic]. I’ve had considerable experience in this area, and I think our conversation could be mutually beneficial. Interested in a chat?

Looking forward to connecting, 

[Your Name]

6. The Follow-Up Specialist

Maintaining relationships through follow-up messages is vital. This strategy involves periodic follow-up messages to keep the connection warm. 

Here are two templates to get you started:

Template 1:

Subject: Checking in on Your Progress

Hi [Name],

It’s been a while since we connected. I was wondering how your [project/goal] is progressing. Let’s meet and discuss the recent developments.

Warm wishes, 

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Subject: Something I Thought You’d Like

Hello [Name],

I came across this [relevant content/link] that I thought might interest you. It relates to our previous conversation about [topic]. Let’s connect and continue the discussion.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

These six LinkedIn Outreach strategies and templates provide you with a diverse toolkit to connect, engage, and grow your professional network. Remember, personalization and genuine interest in your connections’ needs and interests are the keys to success on LinkedIn. So, dive in and start building those meaningful connections today!

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


In the dynamic world of B2B marketing, LinkedIn outreach is your gateway to building meaningful connections that drive business growth. With the tips, strategies, and templates in this guide, you’re well on your way to making the most of this powerful tool. As you embark on your LinkedIn outreach journey, remember that consistency, personalization, and value provision are your allies. 

Dripify – LinkedIn automation tool


The best day can vary, but generally, mid-week (Tuesday to Thursday) tends to be most effective. Experiment and track your results to find the optimal time for your audience.

LinkedIn outreach can be more effective when targeting B2B professionals due to its professional context. However, email outreach has its own strengths and can complement your LinkedIn efforts.

A good outreach strategy involves defining your target audience, personalizing messages, offering value, and measuring results for continuous improvement.

LinkedIn is the largest professional network, making it an excellent platform for finding leads, potential clients, partners, or collaborators within a business context.

Yes, when done correctly, LinkedIn outreach can be highly effective in generating quality leads and building professional relationships. Strategic and authentic approaches are the key to a successful LinkedIn outreach.

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