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7 LinkedIn InMail Best Practices

7 LinkedIn InMail Best Practices
Last updated: July 25, 2024
Reading time: 6 minutes
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The response rate for InMail is three times more than that of regular email, making LinkedIn InMail the best option for outreach campaigns. Plus, you get more responses with InMails than your regular LinkedIn messages.

That’s not all. You can send messages to your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections using InMail. In other words, you don’t need to connect with your target audience to send them InMail messages.  

While LinkedIn InMail is powerful and effective, many users fail to leverage it to its full potential. Keep in mind that InMail credits are expensive, and you generally have a single opportunity to get a response. That’s why it is vital to use InMails properly.

How do I use LinkedIn InMail effectively? Fret not because this guide has you covered. Let’s unveil LinkedIn InMail best practices to help you maximize impact, increase response rates, and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

7 LinkedIn InMail Best Practices to Increase Reply Rate

Check out these tips to boost your success with LinkedIn InMail:

1. Target the Right Audience with Personalization

LinkedIn InMail Best Practices: Target the Right Audience with Personalization

Imagine this: You receive a generic, cookie-cutter message from a stranger on LinkedIn, littered with buzzwords and lacking any personal touch. Chances are, you’ll hit the delete button without a second thought. 

Now, contrast that with a personalized message that resonates with your interests, acknowledges your recent achievements, and offers genuine value. Which one would you want to respond to? The answer is clear.

When writing your LinkedIn InMail messages, focus on precision targeting and personalization. Research your recipients thoroughly, checking their profiles, recent activity, and shared connections for insights. 

Then, tailor your messages to the recipient. For example, you can address them by name, mention mutual connections or shared interests, and show how your proposition aligns with their goals or challenges. This way, you’ll increase your chances of getting a positive response, generating leads on LinkedIn and converting them into customers.

2. Avoid Complex Language and Give a Reason to Reply

The digital world is fast-paced, and LinkedIn is no exception. This means you must capture the attention of your audience as quickly as possible. Avoid complex language and industry jargon that might confuse or turn off your audience.  Instead, aim for clarity, brevity, and authenticity in your InMail communications.

Also, clearly state why you’re reaching out, what value you bring, and what action you want the recipient to take. Whether it’s posing a thought-provoking question, extending a compelling invitation, or offering a personalized recommendation, always provide a clear and enticing reason for engagement.

For instance, if you’re contacting a potential healthcare client to offer consulting services, avoid overwhelming them with technical terms and generic sales pitches. Instead, start by acknowledging the challenges they face in the healthcare landscape and offer solutions based on your expertise. Keep your message relatable and easy to understand, sparking interest and setting the stage for meaningful dialogue.

3. Warm Up Your Prospects

LinkedIn InMail Best Practices: Warm-Up Your Prospects

It is not a good idea to start your sales pitch right away. Instead, you should lay the groundwork by familiarizing yourself with your prospects’ content. 

For example, you should engage with their posts through actions like liking, commenting, and sharing valuable insights. This is more than just a formality — it’s a strategic move that can significantly enhance your rapport-building efforts.

Demonstrate authentic interest and understanding. This initial interaction primes the relationship. It sets the stage for meaningful dialogue as a natural exchange rather than a forced sales pitch.

Suppose you want to target potential collaborators for a new project. Rather than sending cold InMail messages out of the blue, build rapport through organic interactions on LinkedIn. Share their articles, comment on their updates, and participate in relevant group discussions.

Once you’ve established a foundation of trust and familiarity, you can then segue into more targeted outreach. 

4. Follow Up With Emails and LinkedIn Messages

Sure, InMail is excellent for LinkedIn prospecting, but what if your prospects don’t reply? You can’t send additional InMails after a decline.

So, what do you do now?

Don’t be discouraged. Instead, try emailing or sending regular messages on LinkedIn to increase your chances of getting a response. And when you follow up, reference your initial InMail for continuity.

Remember that it is essential to follow up with polite yet persistent reminders, both via email and LinkedIn messages. However, avoid crossing the line between diligent follow-up and spammy persistence. Do not bombard your recipients with incessant messages or generic follow-ups, as this can quickly sour the relationship and damage your reputation. Use Dripify automation tool to build sequences and schedule follow ups in bulk.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

5. Send InMails at the Right Time

Timing is crucial for effective LinkedIn InMail outreach.

Research shows that the timing of your InMail messages can significantly impact response rates, with certain days and times yielding higher engagement levels than others. Although there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to timing your outreach efforts, there are a few key principles to keep in mind.

First, consider the recipient’s time zone and schedule. Sending an InMail during off-peak hours or weekends may increase the likelihood of your message being overlooked or ignored. Instead, try to send your messages during business hours when the recipient is likely to be active and engaged on LinkedIn.

Plus, it is a good practice to use LinkedIn automation tools as well as LinkedIn analytics tools to track the online behavior and engagement patterns of your target audience. Knowing the peak activity times allows you to send your InMails at the optimal time.  This way, you can maximize your chances of getting a response. 

It is also vital to remember that the perfect timing for reaching out may differ depending on industries and time zones. So, it’s wise to try different times and check response rates to find the sweet spot. 

Industries tend to have peak hours when professionals are most active. When you research and recognize these patterns in your target industry, it can help you find the ideal times to connect.

6. Send Free InMails to Open Profiles

LinkedIn InMail Best Practices: Send Free InMails to Open Profiles

LinkedIn’s Open Profile feature presents a valuable opportunity for savvy networkers to expand their outreach without breaking the bank. These profiles are open to receiving messages from anyone, allowing you to send InMails for free, even without a premium subscription.

So, go ahead and seize this chance to introduce yourself and your brand or solution to a wider audience. However, the LinkedIn search engine doesn’t have a direct filter to identify Open Profiles, which can make it challenging to locate them.

To locate LinkedIn Open Profiles, you’ll need a Sales Navigator subscription

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a cost-effective approach, consider using Dripify – one of the best LinkedIn bots on the market.

When reaching out to Open Profiles, treat them just like anyone else. Avoid sending generic, mass messages. Instead, personalize your message to match their interests and goals. Show that you understand what they need. This way, you’ll stand out from the crowd of other messages they receive.

7. Try Sponsored InMails

For professionals and businesses looking to turbocharge their LinkedIn outreach efforts, Sponsored InMails offers a powerful solution.

Also called Message Ads, Sponsored InMails look like regular messages but with a “Sponsored” tag instead of “InMail.” Recipients of these InMails cannot reply with a custom message; instead, LinkedIn prompts them to use the custom Call to Actions (CTAs) you set.

Sponsored InMails are ideal for targeting audiences that aren’t responding to your regular InMails. Message Ads are a great way to follow up with these users. Just make sure to include a clear and compelling call-to-action in your Sponsored InMails.

While sponsored InMails require a financial investment, the potential return on investment in terms of engagement and conversions can be significant. This makes them a good option for you if you want to maximize the impact of your outreach campaigns.

Before starting your sponsored InMail campaigns, the process strategically and thoughtfully: 

  • Define clear objectives and identify your target audience segments based on relevant criteria, such as industry, job title, and geographic location. 
  • Tailor your messaging to resonate with your audience, focusing on their pain points, challenges, and aspirations. 
  • Closely monitor and optimize the performance of your campaigns. Make iterations based on real-time feedback and insights.
Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


These LinkedIn InMail best practices help you unlock the power of InMail for effective lead generation and networking. Start using these tips today to increase your response rates. 

Remember, it’s not just about sending messages but about building meaningful connections and achieving your outreach goals. Success in networking is not just about who you know; it’s also about how effectively you engage with those connections. 

Roll up your sleeves, put these strategies into action, and watch your outreach flourish!

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