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How to Write Engaging Follow Up LinkedIn Message

How to Write Engaging Follow Up LinkedIn Message
Last updated: February 1, 2024
Reading time: 13 minutes
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A follow up LinkedIn message is a message sent after initially connecting with someone on the platform. The goal is to build on the connection, express continued interest, and further the conversation. 

Whether you want to write a follow up message on LinkedIn for a job opportunity or lead generation, a well-crafted message can help you nurture relationships and make a memorable impression. It reinforces the initial message, provides context for future interactions, and opens the door for collaboration or mutual benefit.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the nitty-gritty of writing a killer follow up LinkedIn message. No more feeling lost in the networking shuffle. We’ll help you navigate the fine line between being persistent and professional, tailor your approach to different scenarios, and ensure your LinkedIn follow-up messages are top-notch.

How to Follow Up on LinkedIn?

First things first, how to follow up on LinkedIn? Keep reading to discover the secrets of an impactful follow up LinkedIn message.  

1. Timing is Everything

In the ever-changing world of B2B interactions, timing is key for successful follow-ups. You want to be quick but not too pushy. As such, it is a good idea to send your follow-up within a few days to keep things fresh. In doing so, don’t forget to consider their schedule and time zone – it’s like delivering your message with a cherry on top for meaningful engagement! 

2. Personalization is Key

The heart of an effective follow-up message lies in its personal touch. You should avoid generic templates and take the time to tailor each message to the individual. 

For instance, you could reference specific details from your previous interaction, whether it’s a shared interest, a recent achievement, or a topic discussed. This not only showcases your genuine interest but also makes your message more memorable.

3. Provide Value in Every Interaction

Take your follow-up game up a notch by making each interaction a value-packed experience. Try to go beyond the usual pleasantries and start sharing relevant articles, insights, or resources tailored to the recipient’s interests or industry. This will help you showcase your expertise, positioning yourself as a go-to source for valuable information.

The best part? This approach creates a win-win situation. Not only does it enrich the recipient’s knowledge base, but it also creates a sense of reciprocity. When you consistently provide value, it naturally encourages a more meaningful and sustained engagement. 

So, become the connection that doesn’t just reach out but adds genuine worth to every interaction, solidifying your role as a go-to resource in your network.

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

4. Be Clear and Concise

When it comes to LinkedIn messaging, short and sweet is the name of the game. 

Remember, the LinkedIn landscape is always buzzing with updates, connections, and information competing for attention. To navigate this digital rush successfully, it’s crucial to cut through the noise by getting straight to the point.

  • Write a clear, concise, and easy-to-grasp follow up LinkedIn message. 
  • No need for fancy jargon — just state your message’s purpose and the next steps you’re eyeing. 
  • Cut to the chase to grab the recipient’s attention in the whirlwind of updates on their feed.

But remember that being brief doesn’t mean losing substance; it’s about making your point stick without overwhelming your connection. So, when you write follow up LinkedIn messages, keep them short, snappy, and impactful.

5. Use LinkedIn’s Features

Don’t limit yourself to just messaging on LinkedIn – endorse your connections’ skills, drop comments on their posts, and engage in relevant groups. This will help keep you on the radar, reinforcing your professional presence and building stronger connections. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about actively participating in the LinkedIn community.

But in the bustling world of professional networking, it’s easy to lose track. As such, it is good to stay organized by setting reminders. Doing so will help you revisit and follow up with connections at the right times. It also ensures your engagement remains timely and relevant, showcasing your commitment to building lasting connections. 

Check also: LinkedIn Cold Message Examples

6. Automate Your Follow Ups

Automate Your Follow Ups on LinkedIn

While personalization is key, LinkedIn automation tools can be your time-saving allies. They allow you to automate messaging, profile visits, endorsements, and much more. This comes in handy, especially as your network expands, helping you manage your follow-up messages more efficiently.

Yet, remember the golden rule: automation should enhance, not replace, the human touch. So, be cautious not to choose outdated, unreliable automation tools that send out generic messages to your prospects or connections. 

The good news is that the modern and best LinkedIn automation tools like Dripify allow you to personalize your follow-up messages with built-in templates. Plus, you can use this tool for mass messaging on LinkedIn.

7. A/B Test Your Messages

Continuously refine your follow-up strategy using A/B testing. You can experiment with different message formats, subject lines, and calls to action. Also, monitor the response rates and adapt your approach based on the data. This iterative process allows you to fine-tune your messages for optimal impact.

Here are some key components to consider when A/B testing your follow-up strategy:

  • Message Formats: Try different styles, whether it’s a straightforward message, a personalized anecdote, or a concise bullet-point list highlighting key points.
  • Subject Lines: Test the waters with diverse subject lines to see which ones grab attention. Experiment with a mix of clarity, curiosity, and relevance to find the winning formula for writing a killer subject line for LinkedIn message.
  • Calls to Action (CTAs): Assess the impact of different CTAs in your messages. Whether it’s encouraging response, directing to your profile, or suggesting a specific next step, the right CTA can significantly influence engagement.

8. Express Gratitude

As you write follow up LinkedIn messages, take a moment to express sincere appreciation in your messages. This helps add a personal touch that resonates deeply with your LinkedIn connections. This small but impactful gesture not only acknowledges the value of their time and attention but also sets a positive and warm tone for ongoing interactions.

Consider these ways to incorporate gratitude into your follow-up messages:

  • Connection Acceptance: When someone accepts your invitation to connect, express your gratitude for them welcoming you into their professional network. This simple acknowledgment goes a long way in establishing a positive rapport from the start.
  • Post-Meeting Appreciation: After a virtual or in-person meeting, show gratitude for the time and insights shared. Whether it was a casual coffee chat or a formal discussion, thanking your connection for their contribution reinforces the collaborative spirit and strengthens the foundation of your professional relationship.

Remember, it’s not just about manners; it’s about building a network founded on mutual respect and appreciation. So, don’t underestimate the impact of a heartfelt thank you” in your follow-up messages — it’s the kind of small investment that pays dividends in the form of lasting and meaningful connections.

Is it Important to Follow Up on LinkedIn?

Without a doubt, following up on LinkedIn is crucial for building meaningful connections and driving B2B success. In fact, follow up messages on LinkedIn demonstrate your commitment, professionalism, and genuine interest in the relationship. 

Let’s have a look at the importance of follow up messages on LinkedIn.

1. Professionalism and Commitment

Following up on LinkedIn demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to building genuine connections. It showcases your dedication to nurturing relationships beyond the initial point of contact. Remember, first impressions matter when connecting on LinkedIn, and consistent and thoughtful follow-ups set you apart as someone who values connections.

2. Keeps You Top of Mind

The digital landscape is a crowded space, and attention spans are fleeting. Regular follow-ups serve as gentle reminders of your presence and relevance. When you consistently engage with your connections, it helps position you at the forefront of their minds, increasing the likelihood that they’ll think of you when relevant opportunities arise.

3. Strengthens Your Network

Strategic and timely follow-ups contribute to the growth and strength of your professional network. As you nurture relationships, you create a web of connections that you can use for collaboration, business opportunities, and industry insights.

4. Fosters Relationship Building

Building meaningful relationships requires effort and continuity, and following up on LinkedIn is a proactive step in nurturing these connections. Whether you’re connecting with potential clients, collaborators, or industry peers, consistent follow-ups contribute to the development of a rapport built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.

5. Seizes Opportunities for Collaboration

LinkedIn is a hub of potential collaborations and partnerships. Effective follow-ups position you to seize opportunities for collaboration. Whether it’s exploring joint ventures, participating in industry events, or contributing to shared projects, your follow-up messages act as a catalyst for turning possibilities into tangible partnerships.

6. Navigates Job Opportunities and Career Growth

Is it Important to Follow Up on LinkedIn: Navigates Job Opportunities and Career Growth

For professionals seeking career growth or exploring job opportunities, following up on LinkedIn is a strategic move. It keeps you engaged with potential employers, recruiters, and industry influencers. Regular follow-ups not only express continued interest but also position you as a proactive and dedicated professional in the eyes of recruiters.

7. Showcases Your Thought Leadership

When you share valuable insights, engage in relevant discussions, and follow up on your contributions, you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Thoughtful follow-ups on your posts or articles demonstrate your commitment to meaningful discourse and position you as an authority in your field.

8. Navigate the Job Application Process

For job seekers, following up after submitting applications or attending interviews is a strategic move. It keeps you on the radar of hiring managers, reinforces your interest in the position, and provides an opportunity to address any additional questions or concerns they may have.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

LinkedIn Follow-Up Message Templates

Introducing our follow-up message templates – your go-to resource to write follow up messages on LinkedIn that are impactful and sure to generate responses. Navigating the diverse scenarios of professional networking just got easier with these versatile templates. 

Whether you want to express gratitude for a new connection or follow up after a productive meeting, pick a relevant sample LinkedIn message below to speed up the process. Perfect for those seeking job opportunities, expanding their professional circle, or fostering collaborations; these templates offer a solid foundation to write a good follow-up LinkedIn message. 

Let’s dive into this toolkit to save you time and ensure your follow-up messages stand out in the inbox of your connections. Just pick a sample of the follow up LinkedIn message that suits your situation and write killer messages in minutes. 

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After Connecting

Template 1

Subject Line: Connecting was just the beginning!

Hey [Name],

Thanks for connecting! I’m excited to be a part of your network. I noticed [mention something interesting from their profile], and I’d love to hear more about [related topic]. Let’s schedule a quick chat to explore how we can mutually benefit from our connection.


[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Grateful for Our Connection on LinkedIn!

Hi [Connection’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for connecting on LinkedIn. It’s always a pleasure to expand my professional network, and I’m genuinely looking forward to the potential collaborations and insights that our connection might bring.

I’m keen to learn about your experiences and expertise. I’d love to dive into anything specific you’d like to discuss. 

Looking forward to staying connected and exchanging ideas.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After Sending Resume

Template 1

Subject Line: Your Opinion Matters!

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently sent over my resume for [position] and wanted to follow up. I’m excited to bring my skills to your team. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated!

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Follow-Up: Sent My Resume – Excited About the Opportunity!

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my recent submission of my resume for [specific position or opportunity]. I’m genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing my skills and experiences to [Company/Organization].

I believe my background aligns well with the requirements outlined, and I am eager to further discuss how my unique skill set could benefit your team. If there’s any additional information you need or if you’d like to schedule an interview, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you again for considering my application.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Messages After Application

Template 1

Subject Line: Expressing Continued Interest

Hello [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reiterate my enthusiasm for the [position] and express my continued interest in joining your esteemed team. Any updates on the status of my application would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you for considering me for the position [mention position].

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Excited About the Opportunity: Follow-Up on My Application

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. Just checking in regarding my recent application for [specific position] at [Company/Organization]. I’m genuinely thrilled about the prospect of bringing my skills to your team.

My background aligns well with what you’re looking for, and I’m eager to discuss how I can contribute. If there’s anything more you need or if we can set up a time for a conversation, I’m all in.

Thanks a ton for considering my application. 


[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After an Interview

Template 1

Subject Line: Grateful for the Opportunity

Hi [Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for the chance to interview for the [position]. I’m even more excited about the prospect of contributing to your team after our discussion. Please feel free to reach out if you need any additional information. 

Looking forward to the next steps.


[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Reflecting on our Interview: Excited for the Next Steps!

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope you’re well. Just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for the recent interview about the [specific position]. I enjoyed learning more about [Company/Organization]’s vision and the exciting projects on the horizon.

Our discussion fueled my enthusiasm, and I’m even more convinced that my skills in [highlight a specific discussed skill] align seamlessly with your team’s needs. If there’s anything else you need from me or if there’s an update on the hiring journey, I’m all ears.

Thanks again for the opportunity – looking forward to the next steps!


[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After a Phone Interview

Template 1

Subject Line: Reflecting on Our Conversation

Hello [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I enjoyed our recent phone interview and am eager to move forward in the hiring process. If you require any more information from me, please feel free to ask. 

I appreciate your time and consideration.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Reflecting on Our Conversation: A Quick Thank You

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude for our recent phone interview regarding the [specific position]. Our discussion only strengthened my interest in joining the innovative team at [Company/Organization].

I’m genuinely excited about the prospect of contributing my skills in [mention a discussed skill] to your dynamic projects. If there are any additional details or steps needed from my end, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks again for the insightful conversation. Looking forward to the possibility of taking the next steps together.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After Meeting Someone for the First Time

Template 1

Subject Line: Great Meeting You!

Hi [Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [event/place]. I was inspired by our conversation about [shared interest]. Let’s continue the discussion over coffee sometime. I believe there are exciting opportunities for collaboration between our endeavors.


[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Thrilled to Connect: Follow-Up After Our First Encounter!

Hi [Their Name],

Hope this message brings a burst of positivity to your day! It was an absolute pleasure meeting you recently, and I wanted to extend my thanks for the great conversation.

Your insights on [mention something specific you discussed] were truly eye-opening and left me inspired. Connecting with someone as passionate about [common interest or industry] as you are is always a highlight.

I’m looking forward to staying connected and perhaps exploring more ways our paths can align. If there’s anything you’d like to dive deeper into or if there’s a project on the horizon where our collaboration might shine, I’m all ears!

Cheers to new connections and exciting possibilities!

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After Networking Event

Template 1

Subject Line: Recap and Next Steps

Hi [Name],

I enjoyed our conversation at [event]. Your insights into [relevant topic] were enlightening. Let’s explore ways to leverage our synergy. Can we schedule a follow-up call to delve deeper into potential collaboration?


[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Energized by Our Encounter: Let’s Keep the Momentum!

Hi [Their Name],

Hope you’re still buzzing with the same energy from the [Event Name]! Our chat about [specific topic] was a highlight for me.

I’m keen to continue our conversation and explore potential collaborations or discussions on [shared interest]. How about grabbing a virtual coffee soon to brainstorm and exchange more ideas?

Looking forward to staying connected and turning the sparks from the event into something great!


[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After Conference

Template 1

Subject Line: Connecting Beyond the Conference

Hello [Name],

I trust you had a safe journey back from [conference]. Your perspectives on [highlighted topic] intrigued me. Let’s build on our conversation and explore ways our organizations can collaborate for mutual success.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: From Conference Insights to Collaborative Ideas!

Hi [Their Name],

Reflecting on the [Conference Name] and our insightful chat about [specific topic] has me excited about what we could achieve together. Your perspective added tremendous value.

How about we transform those conference sparks into action? Let’s schedule a quick call to dive deeper into potential collaborations or share more thoughts on [shared interest].

Looking forward to turning conference connections into something meaningful!


[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message to Client

Template 1

Subject Line: Reflecting on Our Partnership

Hi [Client’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a pleasure working together. I wanted to check in and ensure everything is meeting your expectations. If you require any information or support, feel free to get in touch.


[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Elevating Our Partnership: Follow-Up From [Specific Project]

Hi [Client’s Name],

I trust this message finds you well. Reflecting on our collaboration during [specific project] has been truly rewarding. Your insights and feedback were invaluable.

I’m eager to continue this positive momentum. Let’s schedule a brief call to discuss any upcoming projects or ways I can further support your goals.

Looking forward to our continued success together!


[Your Full Name]

Follow-Up LinkedIn Message After No Response

Template 1

Subject Line: Giving It Another Shot

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you. I understand things get busy, and I wanted to ensure my previous message didn’t get lost in the shuffle. I’m still eager to [purpose of your outreach]. If now isn’t the right time, let me know when is more convenient for you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: A Quick Check-In 

Hi [Their Name],

Hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous note – I understand things can get hectic, and I appreciate your time is valuable.

I’m genuinely interested in [mention specific topic or purpose], and I’m here to provide any additional information or address any questions you might have.

If now is not convenient, no problem whatsoever. Let me know when it suits you, and we can continue our conversation.

Thanks again, and looking forward to connecting soon!


[Your Full Name]

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


So, take the plunge and revamp your LinkedIn follow-up messaging strategy today. Remember that it’s not just about what you say; it’s about how you make potential employers or prospects feel. Your journey to career or business success starts with that next well-crafted message. Use the tips and templates provided in this article to write a powerful follow-up message that generates a response from your LinkedIn connections.

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