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7 Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn

7 Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn
Last updated: January 2, 2024
Reading time: 10 minutes
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Do you want to generate quality backlinks for your website or blog? Are you having trouble finding the right avenues to reach out and get people’s attention? If so, it may be time to consider harnessing the power of LinkedIn. 

As you know, link-building is essential for driving organic traffic to your site and getting noticed by search engine algorithms, but it’s easier said than done. Thankfully, you can build relationships with influencers in your industry through personalized outreach on LinkedIn – connections that could result in valuable backlinks. 

Read also: How LinkedIn Algorithm Works

No sweat because we will show you how to get quality backlinks on LinkedIn through customized engagement tactics. From starting conversations and identifying target contacts to crafting follow-up messages and cold email outreach, these tested strategies will make your quest for high-quality backlinks easier.

Read on if you’re ready to take your link-building efforts one step further by cultivating relationships that benefit everyone involved.

What is a High Quality Backlink

One of the most effective ways to build your brand, boost your digital presence and promote yourself or your company is leveraging high-quality backlinks on LinkedIn. But if you want to establish a strong online presence and get high-quality backlinks, your content should be engaging, informative, and valuable to your intended audience. 

High-quality backlinks are links from reputable websites that link to your website or content. They come from authoritative websites, meaning they have earned trust over time as reliable sources of information for their readership. 

These websites are often educational, governmental, non-profit, or commercial, but there are also other trusted sources that you can leverage. Google considers these sites trustworthy sources because they contain content that adds value to the search engine’s indexing system — and ultimately increases its user experience and satisfaction.

Backlinks provide additional credibility and authority to whatever page or website they’re linking to because they come from authority sources that search engines recognize as reliable. This means more people will be able to find your content quickly and easily without having to wade through pages upon pages of search results. 

Furthermore, Google’s algorithm takes note when it sees multiple reputable sites linking out to the same site — this signals that this particular site must offer valuable information if so many other sites are vouching for its relevance — and we all know that Google loves rewarding good behavior.

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

As we explained, a backlink is simply when one website links to another website. It indicates that your content is valuable enough to be shared, which gives you more credibility.

If a trusted website links to yours, search engine algorithms will understand that you have something valuable to offer users, which increases your rankings in search results. Your content should be relevant to the topic of the link; otherwise, it won’t be as effective for SEO purposes. 

Quality backlinks pointing to your LinkedIn profile or content show you have an online presence, which lends credibility to your offer. Therefore, always incorporate link-building in your online marketing strategy to reap long-term outreach benefits

As an example, let’s say someone searches for “SEO trends” and finds an article on your blog about just that topic — if there are several other sites linking back to yours as well, then this signals to potential visitors that this article is trustworthy and worth checking out. 

This can be especially beneficial if those sites linking back are popular ones with high domain authority scores – like Forbes or Crunch Base – as these backlinks will help boost your site’s ranking in SERPs.

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

When it comes to increasing website traffic and improving your online presence, few tools are more valuable than backlinks. Backlinks are links from external websites that direct users to your website, allowing you to leverage their authority to boost your LinkedIn SEO results. 

LinkedIn is one of the best places to earn backlinks, as it’s home to millions of professionals who can help you reach a new audience

Here are the best strategies for earning backlinks on LinkedIn: 

1. Publish Quality Work According to Your Niche Expertise

Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn: Publish Quality Work According to Your Niche Expertise

The first strategy for earning backlinks on LinkedIn is to publish quality work according to your niche expertise. This involves creating valuable content to attract attention from other professionals in your field. 

This can include blog posts, videos, or even just providing quick advice in response to questions posed by colleagues. The key here is to ensure your content is relevant to the readers so they’re inclined to share it with their networks. 

For example, if you’re an SEO expert, you could write a blog post about the latest trends in SEO or provide tips on how small businesses can optimize their websites for search engines. 

Doing so will help establish you as an authority figure in your industry. Plus, it will increase the odds of other people linking back to your content — and thus directing their followers to your LinkedIn profile website. 

Related article: Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

2. Build Professional Contacts on LinkedIn

Unlike many other social networks where users tend to connect with friends and family members, LinkedIn is primarily used for business networking. And this is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs looking for new contacts and potential customers. 

Make sure any connections you make on LinkedIn are authentic. Don’t send generic connection requests with the default message, as this won’t help build relationships or generate interest. 

Instead, find individuals who may be interested in your professional background or business. Then send them personalized messages introducing yourself and explaining why they should connect with you. 

Once accepted, these connections can be beneficial when it comes time for them to link back to something created by you and when seeking out guest blog opportunities or joint projects that could increase visibility even further. 

3. Write Engaging Blog Posts and Guest Posts 

When you write content that resonates with your audience, it will be shared more often, which helps increase exposure for your business. Your content should be informative but also entertaining. 

And most importantly, it should deliver value; readers should come away from your blog post feeling like they have learned something new or been inspired in some way. 

When writing a blog post or guest post for your LinkedIn SMM, ensure you are linking to your website within the article itself. This will help increase traffic and establish yourself as an authority in your expertise. 

Additionally, when submitting guest posts on other websites or blogs, ensure you include a link to your website or LinkedIn profile in the author bio section so that readers can find out more information about you if they wish to. 

4. Participate in Relevant LinkedIn Groups (Polls, Discussions, etc.)

Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn: Participate in Relevant LinkedIn Groups

Joining relevant groups on LinkedIn is a great way to earn backlinks. It allows you to engage with other professionals in your industry who may already have established websites with valuable authority and credibility within the field. 

Participating in group discussions or polls lets you add valuable insight while promoting yourself as an expert in the field — without being overly promotional. This can lead others in the group to want more information about what you do and where they can find it (i.e., a link).  

Remember, though, that participating in these groups should be done thoughtfully — you don’t want it coming across like spam. This means not posting links without context or explanation but rather participating in discussions and offering helpful advice whenever possible so that members recognize you as someone worth listening to.

This authority will make them much more likely to click through when they see something from you that interests them enough.

Keeping up with current trends in your industry can also be very useful here since it allows you to stay ahead of the curve with topics being discussed within these groups so that you always have something relevant and up-to-date to add.

5. Share Content through Member-to-Member Communications

One of the most effective strategies for earning backlinks on LinkedIn is engaging in member-to-member communications. This means you should actively engage with other platform members by liking, commenting, and sharing their content.

Not only does this show your support for their work, but it also helps you build relationships with industry leaders and build a presence for yourself as an expert in your field.

When sharing content through member-to-member communications, ensure you are selective about what you share. You should only share content that is relevant and helpful to your followers, as well as content from reliable and trustworthy sources. 

Doing so will help ensure that your followers view you as an expert in the field who they can trust. When possible, link back to relevant resources or websites so that those links can act as potential backlinks for your website or profile page. 

6. Create Helpful Videos 

LinkedIn videos let community members engage more easily with their preferred content because of their exciting and clutter-free nature. 

When creating videos for LinkedIn, ensure they include helpful information related to your business or industry that viewers will find useful and valuable. Additionally, ensure the video is clear and easy to understand so that viewers can digest the information you’re sharing and familiarize themselves with your products.

As with any content you share on LinkedIn, make sure you tag other relevant accounts for it to be seen by more people and have a chance at being shared by others who might link back to your profile or website. 

Plus, focus on useful and informative topics; these types of videos tend to get more attention than ones created purely for entertainment value. It’s also good to provide links within the video description so viewers can easily access further information about whatever topic was discussed in the video. 

These links act as potential backlinks and drive traffic toward your business website or online profile page. If we view this point in a broad spectrum, you’ll know that making videos to fortify your authority isn’t limited to LinkedIn. 

Posting these visual pieces on YouTube, Facebook, your website, and multiple other platforms is also a good idea. It’s a win-win for your SMM goals!

Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn: Put Links in Your Posts

Creating quality LinkedIn posts and placing links to useful and helpful pages on your website or blog within those posts is yet another excellent way to get quality backlinks through LinkedIn. 

Your LinkedIn posts will allow you to reach a wider audience and attract more people who may be interested in what your website has to offer. And in doing so, interested readers may backlink to your posts and website pages within their own content. 

Moreover, after establishing an active presence on LinkedIn, start engaging with other members by commenting on their posts or connecting with them. You can also join relevant groups and participate in discussions. 

Also, ensure that any content you share includes links to your website so potential customers can easily find it. This is especially beneficial for increasing the quality of backlinks, as it gives potential customers direct access to your site without searching for it online. It also allows others in the community (including influencers) to learn more about you and what services/products you offer. 

Fortunately, many websites now allow users to embed links from their sites into their posts directly – if someone finds your post interesting or informative enough. If it ticks off, they may embed a link from your site onto theirs – thus giving even more power and authority for SEO purposes. 

Try reaching out directly to other websites in your industry via email or social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Afterward, politely ask if they would like to include a link back on their site which points towards yours – this could further increase the number of quality backlinks pointing towards yours.  

Related article: How Can Social Media Marketing Help Your Business

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

Automate Your Outreach on LinkedIn With Dripify

Have you ever wished there was an easy way to automate your LinkedIn outreach campaigns? With Dripify sales automation software, those wishes can become a reality. This powerful tool helps you automate your outreach campaigns and earn backlinks on LinkedIn.

But how? By allowing you to automate the process of finding leads, crafting personalized messages, and sending out automated emails. 

Using Dripify LinkedIn lead generation tool, you can set up a “drip campaign,” which is essentially a series of automated messages sent out according to a predetermined schedule. 

This means you can create and customize the content of each message and then set up when each one goes out. This automated setup saves time because once you have created the campaign, it will run itself without further input.

After your drip campaign is ready, Dripify will start searching for potential leads based on the criteria that you determine. It will then send out personalized messages to these leads in order to generate interest in your product or service. 

The best part is that all of this happens automatically and efficiently, so you can focus your attention on other productive aspects of your business while still generating quality leads on LinkedIn.

Ways to Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn: Automate Your Outreach on LinkedIn With Dripify

Related article: Lead Qualification With Dripify

Besides helping generate leads with Dripify, this tool lets you keep track of responses from potential customers. This allows you to monitor the success of your campaigns in real-time and makes adjustments as necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. 

Plus, with detailed analytics built into the platform, you can quickly analyze data such as open rates and click-through rates to optimize your campaigns for better campaign-related results over time.


It’s now no secret that LinkedIn is the best place to generate quality backlinks through personalized outreach. Using the abovementioned strategies, you can get backlinks that will convert into better search engine results, including a higher position in LinkedIn searches.

The key here is to reach out and connect with influencers in your niche. This helps broaden your network with authority figures — which will, in turn, result in more clicks for the external resources that link to your content. 

Plus, make sure to be an active community member on the network because it helps demonstrate a commitment to providing value when readers come across one of these promotable external links. Tangible results shouldn’t take long when following these simple yet effective steps.

Dripify – LinkedIn automation tool

Launch your first lead generation campaign with Dripify in minutes