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29 Best Email Marketing Automation Tools

29 Best Email Marketing Automation Tools
Last updated: June 3, 2024
Reading time: 18 minutes
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Automation is inevitable when it comes to creating the best email marketing strategy. Without automation, you’ll have to spend hours, if not days, crafting new emails and sending them manually. And that’s not even mentioning how much time you’ll spend analyzing open rates, new subscriber conversion rates, and other stats. 

We get it: Keeping track of everything can sometimes seem like an uphill battle. But with the right tools at your side, it doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. Luckily, there are the best email automation tools out there to make email marketing a hassle-free process.

The post will compare and review some of the best email marketing automation tools. We’ll look at each tool’s features, how they can help you grow your business, and what makes email automation invaluable for your business. 

But first, let’s discuss what email marketing automation is, the benefits of using best email automation software, and the types of email marketing automation. 

What Is Email Marketing Automation?

What is Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing automation is using software to automate email marketing tasks. This includes sends, opens, clicks, opt-ins, and much more. Typically, email marketing automation is used to nurture leads and customers by sending them timely, relevant, and engaging emails. 

For example, let’s say you own an online store that sells hiking gear. You want to use the best email marketing automation software to send welcome emails to new customers. The first email in the sequence might introduce the customer to your company and explain what makes your gear the best in the market. The second email might provide a coupon for potential customers to get 10% off their first purchase. The third email might share some helpful tips for hiking beginners. 

By using the best tools for email marketing, you can focus on other tasks while still staying in touch with your customers and providing them with valuable information. Plus, automated emails generally have higher open and click-through rates than one-off emails, so you’re more likely to reach and convert your target customers. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind for successful email marketing campaign automation:

  • You’ll need a MailChimp account (or another similar service) and a tool to track customer data (like through an eCommerce platform). 
  • You’ll need to segment your list to send relevant information to the right people. 
  • You must design attractive and mobile-friendly emails.

Read also: How to Find eCommerce Clients on LinkedIn

5 Types of Email Marketing Automation

5 Types of Email Marketing Automation

Did you know that email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every $ spent? What’s more, you can use the following types of email marketing automation to boost your ROI further.

1. Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns are a bit different from your average email marketing automation. Drip email automation designed to nurture your leads and move them down the sales funnel until they’re ready to make a purchase. 

Drip campaigns involve sending a series of emails over time, with each email building on the previous one. For example, let’s say you’re in the process of launching a new digital product or announcing a new product features. You could use a drip campaign to educate your leads about the features and benefits of the product before you launch it. 

Each email in the drip campaign would include more information about the product and a call-to-action for your lead to learn more or purchase the product. 

Further, Drip campaigns can be highly effective in moving leads through your sales funnels. You can customize them to fit any type of product or service. 

Related article: Best Drip Campaign Examples

2. Lead Nurturing

Automation tools allow you to send targeted emails based on your lead’s behavior. This can help you stay on top of your lead’s mind, nurture them through the buyer’s journey, and finally convert them into customers. 

A welcome email is a good example in this scenario. When a new subscriber joins your email list, you can trigger an automated welcome email series that introduces the subscriber to your brand and offers valuable resources to help them get started. 

Because the lead has already shown an interest in your product or service by subscribing to your email list, they’re more likely to engage with your automated emails. 

Lead nurturing email marketing automation can also re-engage your inactive leads and customers. For example, if an existing customer hasn’t interacted with any of your emails in six months, you can trigger an automated email campaign to encourage them to respond. By regularly sending automated emails like these, you can keep your leads and customers engaged throughout their entire customer lifecycle. 

Also, automating repetitive, manual tasks like sending targeted emails based on lead behavior can save you the time you can spend on other vital areas of your business. 

3. Behavioral Emails

Behavior-based email marketing automation is basically a triggered email. It is sent after a customer completes a specific action, such as making a purchase or abandoning a shopping cart. Companies can also use behavioral data to segment customers and send more personalized messages. 

For example, you can email customers who have been inactive for a while, offering them a discount to encourage them to return. Behavioral data is crucial to engaging your customers and boosting your sales.

Some examples of behavioral emails include welcome emails, follow-up emails, and product recommendations. This email is triggered by the recipient’s interactions with your brand. Automating this process allows you to nurture your leads and keep your customers engaged easily.

4. Win-Back Emails

If you’ve ever been tempted to hit the “unsubscribe” button after receiving a generic, mass-produced email, you know how important it is for businesses to personalize their communications. Unfortunately, sending a personalized message to every customer is not always possible. 

This is where win-back emails come to your rescue. Win-back email is an automated message triggered when a customer hasn’t interacted with your brand for a set period. These messages aim to re-engage customers and interest them in your product or service. 

Let’s say you run an online store – a customer makes a purchase and doesn’t return to your site for two months. You can send them a win-back email asking if they’re still happy with their purchase and offering a discount on their next purchase. 

Or, maybe you have a subscription service. In this case, you can send your customers an automated email asking if they’re still using your service and offering a free trial of your premium features. 

5. Engagement Emails

Engagement emails allow you to send highly personalized messages to customers based on their interactions with your previous emails. You can also pair this automation type with welcome emails, cart abandonment emails, purchase confirmation emails, and more for higher engagement.

Say a customer abandons their shopping cart on your online store and doesn’t get back. You use email engagement automation to remind them about the items they left behind and offer a discount. This may encourage them to complete their purchase. 

Likewise, when a customer purchases something from your store for the first time, you could use engagement email automation to send them a thank you email. You may also want to include a coupon code in your message that they can redeem on their next purchase. 

Again, engagement emails like referral marketing can also help your business grow. It involves using sales email automation tools to encourage customers or clients to refer your business to their friends and family. 

A good referral email should clearly explain the benefits of referring your business and include a call-to-action for the reader to refer your business to their contacts. Additionally, you may want to offer a reward for customers who make referrals, such as a discount on their next purchase. 

Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify

How Does Successful Email Marketing Automation Work?

Email marketing automation involves sending out automated, targeted emails to leads or customers based on their interactions with your brand. Your email automation software will send pre-set emails based on user actions (such as visiting a website, signing up for updates, etc.). It helps remove manual work and optimizes communications so your company can focus on what’s important. 

For example, you can set up an automated email campaign that sends a welcome email to new subscribers and then follows up with a series of educational emails over a few days or weeks. Automated email campaigns can trigger various actions, including signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or returning to an abandoned shopping cart. 

Here’re are a few points that’ll help you kick off the email marketing automation process: 

  • Choose an automation tool that suits your business and email marketing objectives.
  • Segment your list so that you only send relevant messages to targeted customers or leads. 
  • Make sure your emails are well-designed and offer value – no one wants to receive a generic message that feels like spam. 
  • Track your results to constantly improve your campaign.
Help with Email Marketing Automation Process

With careful planning and execution, email marketing automation can be an incredibly powerful tool for driving sales and engagement. 

Why Use Email Marketing Automation Tools?

Here are some reasons why it makes sense to include email marketing automation platforms in your email marketing strategy:

1. Time Saver

It can be quite challenging to run manual email campaigns. You need extra time to develop a list of potential customers or leads and then write engaging emails that will encourage recipients to take some kind of action. 

Also, with the legacy email marketing model, you need to manually send out each email and keep track of recipient responses. This can be a lot of work, and it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. 

Email automation allows businesses to set up campaigns that take care of repetitive tasks in autopilot mode. As a result, you can save time and effort while still reaching your target audience.

2. Nurturing Leads and Running Drip Campaigns is Harder Without Automation 

Creating and managing drip campaigns can be daunting without automation tools. Not only do you need to design each email in the campaign, but you also need to set up triggers so that the emails are sent correctly.

In addition, you must track results so that you can make necessary adjustments along the way. Best email automation tool for sales makes this easier by automatically handling many complex tasks in running a drip campaign.

3. Increasing Subscribers’ Lists Takes Extra Effort 

Manually adding new subscribers can be time-consuming and challenging. Automation tools take care of this process, saving you time, growing your list, and making the process less hassle. In addition, email automation can also help to keep your list clean and up-to-date by automatically removing inactive subscribers. 

The Benefits of Using Email Marketing Automation

Benefits of Using Email Marketing Automation

Here’s how best email automation platform can be beneficial to your business:

1. Increased Sales and Conversions

A robust email marketing automation tool can generate automated lead nurturing messages and send trigger emails when a lead takes action. These emails can contain personalized content to nurture the lead and move them further down the sales funnel. 

Additionally, you can use the tool to segment your leads and send them more targeted content. Sending out customized but automated content increases the likelihood of your leads converting into customers. More conversion means more sales and a higher ROI

Related article: How to Increase Sales

2. Streamline Lead Generation and Sales Process

Email marketing automation can streamline your lead generation and sales processes by creating workflows. The workflow can include a series of automated emails, each designed to guide your leads through the sales process. Automated email campaigns can also be timed to correspond with key business activities such as sales or product launches. 

Related article: Lead Generation Marketing Trends

3. Improved Customer Service 

Email marketing automation allows you to respond to customers’ questions fast. Plus, it can help send out auto-responses to common queries or follow up with customers before or after they complete a purchase. Overall, automation can make your customer experience seamless and delightful. 

4. Helps Your Sales Team

Email marketing automation helps your sales team by automating repetitive parts of the process. This frees up your team to focus on closing more deals. Even if you don’t want to automate your entire lead nurturing process, you might want to automate the most repetitive or time-consuming steps. Plus, email automation helps create better reports. This allows you to track your sales more granularly and identify and resolve problems in your process. 

Related articles: 

  1. Best Sales Automation Tools
  2. How to Motivate Your Sales Team

5. Increase Brand Awareness 

Automated email campaigns help create brand awareness and build better relationships with your subscribers. Sending out frequent emails will familiarize your target customers with your brand, making them more likely to buy from you in the future. 

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

29 Tools and Services for Successful Automated Emailing

And finally, let’s introduce the best email marketing automation tools and services for creating and running a successful campaign.


Best Email Automation Tools: Dripify

Dripify is the most powerful cloud based sales automation tool for creating and running successful drip campaigns. Using this tool, you can put your LinkedIn marketing and lead generation on autopilot. You can use it to set up your sales funnel in minutes, besides automating LinkedIn messaging, sending connection requests, responding to messages, and other repetitive tasks. 

It also comes with savvy marketing features, such as LinkedIn scraper, contact management, customer segmentation, message templates, and more. Dripify offers a free trial with no credit card required, and its plans start at $39/month for the basic version.

Octopus CRM

Best Email Automation Tools: Octopus CRM

Octopus CRM is a smart LinkedIn automation tool that offers many features to help businesses streamline their lead generation processes. One of the most salient features of Octopus CRM is its ability to segment customers and create targeted marketing campaigns. This means that you can send highly personalized messages more likely to resonate with your recipients.

In addition, Octopus CRM offers powerful tools for lead generation and tracking, making it easy to keep tabs on your potential customers. It allows you to automate LinkedIn messaging, profile visits, connection requests, skill endorsements, and much more. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Hubspot

HubSpot email automation tool allows you to automate adding contacts to your list, send personalized emails at scale, and track your success. Plus, it’s easy to use and comes with all the other features you love about HubSpot, like mobile optimization and detailed reporting. So why not give it a try? You might just be surprised at how much mail time you can save.


Best Email Automation Tools: Mailshake

As a sales professional, you know it can get hard to find the time to manually send out emails to your list. That’s where Mailshake can help you. With Mailshake’s email automation features, you can set up automated emails that go out to your list regularly. All you need to do is provide Mailshake with your email content, set triggers, and the tools will take care of the rest. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Mailchimp

Mailchimp is the best automated email marketing software that takes the guesswork out of creating and running email campaigns. With Mailchimp, you can create engaging campaigns, thanks to the drag-and-drop simplicity. Plus, you can track who opens and clicks on your emails and get detailed reports about your campaigns.  


Best Email Automation Tools: Lemlist

If you’re looking for a powerful email automation platform, Lemlist is definitely worth considering. Here are some of the key features that make Lemlist stand out:

  • Lemlist offers an incredibly user-friendly interface. Creating and managing your campaigns is straightforward, even if you’re not a tech expert.
  • It comes with a wide range of powerful features. For example, you can easily personalize your emails using dynamic content, schedule your campaigns in advance, and track your results with detailed reporting.
  • You get plans to suit every budget, so you don’t have to spend a fortune to start email marketing automation.


Best Email Automation Tools: Intercom

Intercom allows you to send targeted messages to your customers and website visitors. You can segment your audience based on location, language, or other criteria and create custom messages specific to each group. 

Intercom also makes it easy to track the performance of your campaigns, so you can see which messages resonate with your audience and adjust accordingly. Plus, it integrates with several third-party platforms, making it a versatile tool for various email marketing needs.


Best Email Automation Tools: BombBomb

BombBomb automates repetitive tasks like creating email lists and sending out mass emails. It also allows you to target your audience more effectively by segmenting your contact lists and personalizing your messages. Furthermore, BombBomb provides valuable insights into your campaign’s performance with its detailed tracking and reporting features. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Ontraport

Using Ontraport, you can create catchy, responsive emails that look great on any device. You can also personalize your emails for each recipient, ensuring that your message speaks to their individual needs. 

Plus, with just a few clicks, you can set up automated emails that go out to your entire list – or only to those who meet specific criteria. This means you can stay in touch with your leads without manually sending each email yourself. 

Ontraport also provides detailed campaign reports. This includes information on open rates, click-through rates, and more. This data is essential for understanding what’s working and what isn’t – and ensuring that your email marketing campaigns are as effective as possible. 


Best Email Automation Tools: EngageBay

This all-in-one marketing automation tool can help your business save time and improve efficiency. With EngageBay, you can manage your email list, create and send newsletters, and track the results of your campaigns. 

EngageBay includes many features, including templates for creating emails, a drag-and-drop editor for easy design, and tools for segmenting your list and measuring campaign performance. In addition, EngageBay offers a free plan for small businesses, making it a great option for those just getting started with email marketing. 


Best Email Automation Tools: AWeber

AWeber is also a great tool for automating the process of sending out emails. By automatically segmenting your lists, you can rest assured that you’re only emailing people interested in your products or services. 

Plus, AWeber has excellent deliverability rates, so you can be sure that your emails get through to your subscribers. And if you ever need help, their customer support team is always happy to assist. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Contactually

Contactually enables you to create and send highly engaging and customized emails easily.  Also, this tool lets you segment your contacts into different groups, so you can send more targeted emails.

Moreover, Contactually makes it easy to track your email campaigns, so you can see how well they’re performing. Overall, Contactually is a great option for anyone who wants to automate their email marketing.


Best Email Automation Tools: SalesHandy

SalesHandy is an incredibly user-friendly email automation technology. Even if you’re not a tech-savvy person, you’ll quickly figure out how to use it. Second, it comes packed with features that will save you time and help you achieve better results. The automated follow-up feature ensures you never miss an opportunity to follow up with a potential customer. And the ability to track opens and clicks lets you see which of your emails resonate with your audience. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Convertloop

Convertloop is an all-in-one tools of email marketing among other email marketing automation services that you can use to send personalized emails to your customers and prospects. With Convertloop, you can segment your leads and customers into different groups and send them targeted email campaigns based on their specific needs and interests. 

Convertloop also allows you to automate your email marketing by sending triggered emails based on customer behavior. For example, it lets you set up an email that will be automatically sent to customers after they purchase from you.


Best Email Automation Tools: ConvertKit

With ConvertKit, you can create automated sequences that send emails to subscribers based on their interactions with your website or product. For example, you can set up an automated sequence that sends a welcome email to new subscribers and a follow-up email to those who haven’t responded to your first email. 

ConvertKit also allows you to segment your list so that you can send targeted emails to different groups of subscribers. For example, you could segment your list by location or purchase history. 


Best Email Automation Tools: SendGrid

SendGrid’s email marketing automation tool is a powerful way to connect with your customers and keep them informed about your latest product updates and special offers. With SendGrid, you can easily create and manage your email campaigns, track their performance, and segment your list to target specific customers. Plus, SendGrid makes it super easy to integrate your email campaigns with other marketing efforts, such as social media and webinars.


Best Email Automation Tools: Omnisend

Omnisend lets you automate email marketing campaigns to effectively engage your customers and boost sales. The platform offers many features, including automation workflows, segmentation, abandoned cart recovery, and more. And it integrates with a variety of popular eCommerce platforms so that you can start with email marketing right off the bat. 


Best Email Automation Tools: GetNotify

GetNotify enables you to manage your email lists, create and send newsletters, and track the results of your campaigns. It also includes several powerful features, such as autoresponders, list segmentation, and Email analytics. The best part? GetNotify offers a free trial so you can determine whether the tool is worth it before commiting to it.


Best Email Automation Tools: Outfunnel

Outfunnel is an email marketing automation tool designed to help businesses close more deals and boost their sales pipeline. With Outfunnel, you can create email drip campaigns, automate your email marketing, and track your results in real-time. 

Plus, Outfunnel integrates with your CRM to see your campaign ROIs and sales pipeline in one place. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your email marketing and close more deals, Outfunnel has you covered.


Best Email Automation Tools: LeadSquared

LeadSquared provides you with an easy way to segment your contacts into lists, so you can send targeted emails. Moreover, it has a drag-and-drop email builder so you can quickly create beautiful newsletters. LeadSquared can automate your email marketing with a few clicks, so you can focus on other aspects of your business. 


Best Email Automation Tools: Smartwriter

Smartwriter.ai sales email automation platform lets you send personalized mass emails to your customers and subscribers in seconds. Using this tool, you can even automate the process of email copywriting. Smartwriter will do research on your leads and create customized email messages. 

Plus, you can create and manage your mailing lists, automate your email campaigns, and track your results in one place. It also lets you track your results to see how your email campaigns perform.


Best Email Automation Tools: Yesware

Yesware is one of the most popular among the best email outreach tools, and for a good reason. This user-friendly tool provide the best email automation and various features designed to make your life easier, from automated email tracking to templates. Since it integrates seamlessly with CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, you can keep all your data in one place. 


Best Email Automation Tools: OptinMonster

OptinMonster lets you create beautiful opt-in forms that convert more visitors into subscribers and then automate your email marketing to focus on other areas of your business. This tool also includes powerful features like lead capture, A/B testing, and analytics so you can track your progress and optimize your campaigns.


Best Email Automation Tools: Moosend

Moosend offers many features, including a drag-and-drop email builder, campaign tracking, segmentation, and autoresponders. Moosend also has a robust API that allows businesses to integrate their existing systems with the Moosend platform. 


Best Email Automation Tools: RafflePress

RafflePress offers a wide range of features to help you grow your list and engage your subscribers. Create beautiful opt-in forms and landing pages, segment your list, and automate your email marketing. 

RafflePress also offers a powerful suite of tools to help you create and deliver highly engaging email campaigns. The team behind this tool also offers world-class support, you can be sure that you’re always getting the most from your RafflePress account.


Best Email Automation Tools: Marketo

Marketo is an exceptional marketing automation tool that allows you to send automated emails to your customers or prospects. The goal is to nurture your leads and communicate with them regularly without wasting too much time or effort. Marketo is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. Some of its key features include lead capture forms, dynamic content, landing pages, and A/B testing. 


Best Email Automation Tools: ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign provides many features to help businesses connect with their customers and grow their sales. Its key features include automated emails, A/B testing, contact management, CRM integrations, and detailed reporting. 

This automation tool’s rich features makes it easy to build strong relationships with customers and drive more sales. Thanks to its intuitive interface and comprehensive functionality, ActiveCampaign is one of the most powerful sales email automation software on the market today.


Best Email Automation Tools: AeroLeads

AeroLeads is easy to use and has all the features you need to run a successful email marketing campaign. Create beautiful email templates, manage your contact list, and automate your email sending. You’ll get powerful analytical tools to track your email open rates, click-through rates, and more. 


Best Email Automation Tools: GetResponse

GetResponse automation tool helps you create, send, and track emails. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your customers and keep them updated on your latest offerings. GetResponse also offers several features that make it easy to create and manage your email campaigns. 

For example, you can use the GetResponse editor to design beautiful emails that are responsive and look great on all devices. Plus, it allows you to segment your audience and personalize your messages for each subscriber. And thanks to the autoresponder feature, you can build long-term relationships with your customers that can result in repeat sales. 

Choosing The Right Email Marketing Automation Software

Choosing The Right Email Marketing Automation Software

When it comes to email marketing, automated tools can be a lifesaver. They can help you stay organized, automate repetitive tasks, and engage your customers. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the right one for your business? Here are a few factors to consider:

  • First, think about your budget. Automated tools can range in price from a few dollars per month to hundreds of dollars per month. If you’re just starting with email marketing, you may want to start with a less expensive option. You can always upgrade to a more powerful tool as your business grows.
  • Next, ask yourself: How much time do I have to dedicate to learning a new tool? If you’re short on time, you may want to use a tool that’s simple to use. You’d be happy to know that Dripify offers excellent flexibility and customization but is still simple enough for anyone to use. Plus, it is relatively affordable than most other automation tools out there.
  • Finally, think about your customers! What do they need from you? What kind of relationship do you want to build with them? Choose an automation tool to help you meet your customers’ needs and build the kind of relationship you want.

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Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


Email marketing automation tools offer many benefits, including reaching a large audience with minimal effort, tracking results, analyzing performance, and automating repetitive tasks. But there are so many email automation tools in the market, so how do you know which one is the best? Well, we’ve mentioned the prominent features of the leading automation tools in this post. You can use this post as a guide to pick a reliable, user-friendly, and features-rich tool that will boost your sales and help grow your business.

Dripify – LinkedIn automation tool

Launch your first lead generation campaign with Dripify in minutes