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Top 14 Digital Marketing Experts and Influencers

Top 14 Digital Marketing Experts and Influencers
Last updated: September 2, 2024
Reading time: 8 minutes
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As a newbie or mid-level digital marketer, you know that keeping up with the latest trends and strategies is key to success in your profession. As such, you want to follow the top digital marketing experts because much of the knowledge and industry insights come from these professionals. 

But with so much noise in the digital marketing industry, it can be hard to know which experts to follow. That’s why we have compiled a list of top digital marketing experts to follow. From social media wizards to SEO and content geniuses, these experts will help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your marketing goals like never before.

So, read on for everything you want to know about the top digital marketing experts, their specialties, backgrounds, and much more.

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Top 14 Digital Marketing Experts and Gurus To Follow

Some practical advice from the following digital marketing gurus combined with automation tools like Dripify for marketing agencies will help amp up your business in no time. 

1 Gary Vaynerchuck

Digital Marketing Experts: Gary-Vaynerchuck

Also known as Gary Vee, Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, a social media influencer, and one of the top marketing experts in the digital space. Following his advice can help you launch your digital product successfully and create profitable campaigns. 

Gary has an impressive track record in helping businesses grow through effective digital marketing strategies.

These are some of his top expertise:

  • Content creation
  • Advertising
  • Brand building
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • And social media management

Gary emphasizes the importance of having a customer-centric approach while running your business. He also believes in staying ahead of trends to thrive in today’s digital landscape.

2. Neil Patel

Digital Marketing Experts: Neil-Patel

Neil Patel is a veteran digital marketer and one of the top experts to follow. After founding CrazyEggs, Kissmetrics, and other million-dollar companies, he is helping to grow Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, and NP Digital through digital marketing.

With his expert knowledge and experience, Neil is an excellent source of advice for small to large businesses or individuals looking to launch a digital product or ramp up their online presence.

Neil focuses on these topics:

And it’s just us; the Wall Street Journal ranked him as one of the top influencers on the web. Forbes said he’s one of the top 10 marketers in the world, and Entrepreneur Magazine reports that he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies in the world.

By supplementing the insights, tips, and advice from Neil Patel with one of the best LinkedIn automation tools like Dripify for small business, you can supercharge your lead generation and sales. 

3. Rand Fishkin

Digital Marketing Experts: Rand-Fishkin

You must already know him if you are a Moz fan like us. Rand’s YouTube videos, blog posts, and podcasts (Whiteboard Friday) are some of the most popular resources for anyone interested in digital marketing. 

Rand specialities include:

  • Link building
  • Interlinking
  • Content marketing
  • And competitive analysis

So, if you want to stay ahead of the competition and create successful campaigns this year, Rand Fishkin is the digital marketing expert you must follow. You may want to visit his LinkedIn page for a goldmine of digital marketing tips and advice.

4. Ann Handley

Digital Marketing Experts: Ann-Handley

Ann Handley is another impressive digital marketing expert with over 30 years of experience in the industry. She’s one of Forbes’ top 10 social media influencers and has written two bestselling books on content marketing.

Ann is a great resource for learning about these topics:

  • Copywriting
  • Content strategy
  • Marketing
  • Social media
  • And customer service

Ann emphasizes the importance of creating interesting, engaging, and valuable content. She also shares her insights on communicating effectively with customers and building meaningful relationships.

Ann Handley is undoubtedly a top thought leader in the digital marketing space; she has helped businesses of all sizes to create successful campaigns and scale their business.

5. Tim Ferriss

Digital Marketing Experts: Tim-Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is an American entrepreneur, investor, and author of best-selling books, such as The 4-Hour Workweek. He is also a podcast host with over 500 million downloads. But unlike others, he focuses on these topics:

  • Self-help
  • Physical fitness
  • Lifestyle
  • Productivity

Tim’s knowledge and experience in digital marketing make him one of the top experts to follow. If you cannot find his advice on digital marketing, see how he works. Why? It’s because he is crushing it on the internet.

You can follow Tim’s blog for more advice on how to create a successful online presence. Also, check out his podcast and books for more information on how to maximize internet use for your business success.

6. Joe Pulizzi

Digital Marketing Experts: Joe-Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi is a well-known content marketing expert and the founder of Content Marketing Institute, which provides resources for professionals in this area. He has also authored several books about digital marketing, including Content Inc., and has been featured on Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur.

Joe focuses on these topics:

  • Content creation
  • Strategy development
  • Content marketing
  • Social media
  • And lead generation

What’s more, Joe is the founder of multiple startups, such as The Tilt, Creator Economy Expo, and more. 

So, if you’re looking for practical ways to create content and build relationships with your customers through various channels, this is the expert to follow. His insights and advice can help you develop an effective digital marketing strategy to stand out from the competition. 

7. Mark Schaefer

Digital Marketing Experts: Mark-Schaefer

Mark Schaefer is a keynote speaker, marketing strategy consultant, college educator, and author. He has long been helping companies and leaders stand out from the crowd and become successful in the digital space.

Mark focuses on these topics:

  • Content marketing
  • Personal branding
  • Strategy development
  • And customer service

Mark Schaefer’s vast knowledge and experience make him a great resource for learning about different aspects of digital marketing. 

He has published several books, including The Content Code and Marketing Rebellion, that provide invaluable insights into the importance of content marketing and brand building in the digital age.

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8. John Jantsch

Digital Marketing Experts: John-Jantsch

John Jantsch is an experienced digital marketer and the founder of Duct Tape Marketing. He has authored several books, such as The Referral Engine and The Commitment Engine, which focus on attracting new customers through referrals, content marketing, and other strategies.

John’s specialities include the following:

  • Marketing automation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing

John Jantsch’s blog and podcast are excellent sources for learning about digital marketing. His expertise in the field is unparalleled, so make sure you follow him for advice on creating successful campaigns and building your online presence.

9. Brian Dean

Digital Marketing Experts: Brian-Dean

Who doesn’t know Brian Dean? He is a New York Times best-selling author, an SEO expert, and the founder of Backlinko.

Brian talks about these topics:

  • Content marketing
  • SEO optimization
  • Link-building strategies
  • And digital marketing tactics

His blog offers genuine advice about optimizing your website for better search engine rankings, creating high-quality content, and using link-building strategies to grow your business. 

He also offers insights on how to build relationships with influencers and gain an edge over the competition. His blog was so good that SEMRush acquired it for a huge amount.

Follow Brian for more tips on maximizing your digital marketing efforts and driving more leads.

10. Jeff Bullas

Digital Marketing Experts: Jeff-Bullas

Jeff Bullas is an internationally recognized digital marketing strategist, speaker, author, and entrepreneur. He has been featured in Forbes, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, and various other publications.

Jeff talks about these topics:

  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Social selling
  • And personal branding

Jeff Bullas is an expert digital marketer that you may want to follow if you want to build your digital presence and be successful in the online business world. He provides actionable tips on a range of topics related to digital marketing. He also has an active Twitter presence.

11. Pat Flynn

Digital Marketing Experts: Pat-Flynn

After losing his job in 2018 as an architect, Pat Flynn decided to become an entrepreneur and start his own business. Today, Pat has become a successful digital marketer and is considered one of the leading experts in the field.

Pat specializes in the following areas:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Online courses
  • Side hustles
  • And passive income strategies

He offers practical advice on maximizing your digital marketing efforts and growing your business. Plus, Pat often shares his experiences of success, failure, and everything in between. 

12. Jon Morrow

Digital Marketing Experts: Jon-Morrow

Jon Morrow is one of the most successful digital marketers in the world. His advice and expertise should not be overlooked when optimizing your online presence and marketing strategies.

Morrow’s blog, Smart Blogger, offers practical advice on building an audience and fostering meaningful relationships with your customers. 

He specializes in content marketing and offers guidance on creating compelling content, using social media for marketing, and optimizing SEO.

13. Ryan Deiss

Digital Marketing Experts: Ryan-Deiss

Ryan Deiss is a marketer turned entrepreneur and investor who is the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer. His company specializes in helping businesses increase their online presence, generate leads and sales, and maximize ROI on digital marketing campaigns.

Follow Ryan Deiss for advice on topics like:

He created the “Customer Value Optimization” methodology to help digital marketers create brilliant marketing strategies. Ruan’s experience and expertise make him one of the best digital marketing experts to follow for advice on all aspects of online business success.

14. Kim Garst

Digital Marketing Experts: Kim-Garst

Kim Garst is a globally recognized digital marketing expert, speaker, and entrepreneur. She has been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, and various other publications.

Follow Kim for her insights on topics like:

  • Social media marketing
  • Content creation
  • Brand strategy
  • Influencer marketing

She defines herself as a small-town girl who discovered a big world! Kim helps business owners achieve their sales goals using digital marketing. 

Why You Need to Follow These Digital Marketing Experts

Small business owners and newbie digital marketers should follow the above-given digital marketing experts for many different reasons.

For one, these experts have years of experience in the industry, and their advice and tips can be invaluable when setting up an effective online presence. Second, they offer actionable advice on how to maximize one’s digital marketing efforts and achieve success.

That’s not all, these gurus will give you insights into the latest trends in digital marketing. Plus, they tell you about new tools and techniques that you can use to stay ahead of the competition. So, ensure to follow the digital marketing experts for the value they provide to their audiences.

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So these are the top 14 digital marketing experts or gurus to follow this year. They will keep you up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and strategies.

But don’t forget to use Dripify sales automation software with the advice and tips of these experts to achieve the best results.

Dripify is a powerful marketing automation platform that offers you the right tools and resources to optimize your digital marketing campaigns and maximize ROI. It allows you to automate tedious tasks, generate leads, segment audiences, create drip campaigns, and much more.

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