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Influencer Marketing on LinkedIn: Become a LinkedIn Influencer

Influencer Marketing on LinkedIn: Become a LinkedIn Influencer
Last updated: September 23, 2024
Reading time: 9 minutes
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It’s no wonder that LinkedIn is a great platform to become a thought leader and gain widespread visibility. In fact, it is the perfect social media platform for building your personal brand. While using the platform, you may come across professionals who have established themselves as LinkedIn influencers. 

With the right approach and strategy, you too can rise as an influencer on LinkedIn. If you’re unsure where to start or what steps to take, this guide is here to help. 

Read on for everything you want to learn about becoming a successful LinkedIn influencer.

What Is LinkedIn Influencer Marketing?

LinkedIn influencer marketing is the strategic use of influential figures on LinkedIn to promote your brand, products, or services. Unlike traditional marketing, this approach leverages the credibility and audience of LinkedIn influencers to create a more authentic and engaging promotional campaign. 

Imagine a scenario where a renowned industry leader shares a post about your product or service with their network of engaged professionals. It is sure to supercharge your brand exposure and even boost your sales.

LinkedIn influencers use their reputation and reach to promote your brand or message, ultimately driving brand awareness, traffic, and even conversions.

But who exactly are LinkedIn influencers? Who can become a LinkedIn influencer? And what gives them so much credibility on the platform?

Who Are Influencers on LinkedIn?

Contrary to popular belief, influencer status on LinkedIn isn’t reserved for celebrities or people with millions of followers.  

LinkedIn influencers are thought leaders, industry experts, and individuals who have built a significant following on the platform. They share valuable content, insights, and opinions that resonate with their audience. Here are the list of LinkedIn influencers and digital marketing experts to follow.

If you’re wondering how many followers on LinkedIn to be an influencer, remember that it’s not just about the numbers. While your follower base is crucial, quality engagement and the ability to influence decisions are also key elements to become a LinkedIn influencer.

Here are some characteristics of a LinkedIn influencer:

  • Industry Expertise: They have a deep understanding of their field, industry, or niche and consistently share valuable insights;
  • Engaged Audience: They have a loyal following who actively interact with their content through reactions, comments, and shares;
  • Credibility: People in the industry or niche rely on them as a trusted source of information;
  • Content Creation: They consistently produce high-quality content that educates, informs, and inspires their audience.

Again, if you’re wondering about how many connections on LinkedIn to be an influencer, only the number of followers is not important. Depending on the niche or industry, LinkedIn influencers’ average follower count can vary, ranging from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.

Many people believe that a niche influencer with a smaller, highly engaged audience can be more valuable than someone with a massive but less engaged following.

Can you make money as a LinkedIn influencer? Absolutely! 

As your influence grows, brands may reach out to you for sponsored content, speaking engagements, or other partnership opportunities. Also, you may want to engage a LinkedIn influencer agency to connect and partner with brands.

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LinkedIn Influencer Marketing Importance

The importance of LinkedIn influencer marketing cannot be overstated. 

As a brand owner, you can use it to build trust, create brand awareness, expand your network, and drive meaningful engagement.

  1. Trust and Credibility: Influencers have established trust with their audience. This means their endorsement can lend credibility to your brand;
  2. Targeted Reach: LinkedIn allows for highly targeted marketing, meaning you can use influencers on the platform to reach decision-makers more easily;
  3. Improved Lead Generation: LinkedIn influencers create and post high-quality content.  This can help attract potential customers to your business and increase LinkedIn lead generation process;
  4. Thought Leadership: Collaborating with influencers can help position you as a thought leader within your industry;
  5. Content Marketing Boost: You can use influencers on LinkedIn to promote your content, which can help amplify your content marketing efforts.

Tips for LinkedIn Influencer Marketing Success

Just like any type of marketing, a successful LinkedIn influencer marketing strategy requires a well-defined approach. 

Here’s how you can use influencer marketing successfully on LinkedIn:

1. Define Your Goals

For starters, it’s crucial to identify your goals. 

Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or grow your professional network? 

Having clear objectives will guide your strategy. It will also help you choose the right influencer and create valuable, relevant content. 

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Second, it is vital to know your target audience.

Who are you trying to reach with your influencer marketing campaign? 

Research your audience’s demographics, interests, industry, and pain points. This knowledge will help you find influencers whose audience aligns with yours.

3. Choose the Right Influencers

This is the most important part of influencer marketing.

Look for influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged following. 

  • Use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters to search for influencers by industry, job title, company, and keywords relevant to your niche; 
  • Find influencers who consistently create high-quality content that resonates with their audience and sparks engagement;
  • Consider using a social listening tool to track industry conversations. This will help you identify emerging influencers who are gaining traction within your niche.

4. Create an Outreach Strategy

Once you’ve identified your ideal influencers, it’s time to connect. 

Always personalize your LinkedIn outreach and don’t send them just generic messages.

Mention a specific piece of their content you enjoyed or highlight a shared industry interest. Plus, don’t forget to admire their work and explain how a collaboration could be mutually beneficial.

In doing so, don’t come across as overly promotional. Instead, focus on building a genuine connection and offer value to the influencer.

5. Create Authentic Content

Remember, authenticity is key when it comes to influencer marketing on LinkedIn. 

As such, you should work with influencers to create content that resonates with their audience and aligns with your brand message. Avoid overly promotional content.

6. Monitor and Measure

Last but not least, track the performance of your campaigns. 

Monitor LinkedIn engagement rate, follower growth, profile traffic, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of your strategy. Then analyze the data and tweak your strategy accordingly. 

The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

How to Find Influencers on LinkedIn

Finding the right influencers on LinkedIn involves a mix of research and tools usage.

  • Start by looking at industry leaders, content creators, and professionals who are active on the platform;
  • Use LinkedIn’s search features to narrow down your search;
  • Look for individuals with a substantial number of followers and high engagement rates.

How to Connect with Influencers on LinkedIn Using Dripify

Connecting with influencers may seem daunting, but thankfully, Dripify makes it seamless.

Dripify sales automation tool automates the process of sending personalized connection requests and messages to LinkedIn users and other influencers. Plus, you can use LinkedIn scraper to scrap the profiles and contact information of influencers on the platform.

You can use Dripify to automate and personalize your outreach to multiple influencers or other users at once, saving you valuable time and effort.

Other aspects of LinkedIn outreach that you can automate with Dripify, include:

  • Profile visits;
  • Follow-up messages;
  • Skill endorsements;
  • Likes;
  • Drip campaigns.

Try Dripify 7-day free trial today!

How to Become a LinkedIn Influencer?

Becoming a LinkedIn influencer requires time and skills. 

Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Build a Strong Profile: Your profile is your personal brand. Make sure it’s complete, professional, and showcases your expertise; 
  2. Share Valuable Content: Post regularly and share insights that add value to your audience. This could be industry news, personal experiences, or thought leadership pieces;
  3. Engage with Your Network: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and connect with other professionals in your field;
  4. Leverage Multimedia: Use videos, images, and infographics to make your content more engaging;
  5. Collaborate with Other Influencers: Partner with other influencers on the platform to reach a wider audience. 

Tips to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

Here are some essential tips to help you build your influence and make a significant impact on LinkedIn.

Optimize Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital storefront. Make sure it’s polished and showcases your expertise. Write a compelling headline and professional summary focused on your value proposition. 

Also, don’t forget to highlight your skills, experience, and achievements using relevant keywords. Use a professional headshot as your profile picture.

Get useful tips on how to improve your LinkedIn profile to stand out among other users.

Develop a Content Strategy

It’s no secret that content is king on all digital networks and LinkedIn is no exception. In fact, content creation is the most important aspect of becoming a LinkedIn influencer. 

  • Create a content strategy that caters to your target audience’s needs and interests;
  • Focus on creating informative, engaging, and visually appealing content that sparks conversation and establishes you as a valuable resource.

Here are some content formats to consider:

  1. Articles: Share your insights and expertise on industry trends and challenges;
  2. Videos: Use video content to showcase your personality and connect with your audience on a deeper level;
  3. Infographics: Present complex data in an easily digestible format;
  4. Live Videos: Host live Q&A sessions or interviews with industry experts to boost engagement.

Engage with Your Community

Influencer marketing on LinkedIn is a two-way street. This means you shouldn’t just post content and disappear. Instead, actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, participating in industry discussions, and joining relevant LinkedIn groups.

Keep in mind that building relationships and fostering a sense of community are crucial for establishing yourself as a trusted thought leader.

Consistency is Key

Consistent posting is essential for achieving success as an influencer on LinkedIn. It keeps your audience hooked and your profile top-of-mind. 

Your followers start anticipating your content, becoming eager for the next dose of valuable insights or engaging discussions you bring to the table

Think of it like your favorite TV show – wouldn’t you miss it if episodes stopped appearing? 

It is a good idea to post 2-3 times a week, whether it’s insightful articles, industry updates, or even jumping into conversations on other posts.

Be Authentic

When you share your true self – experiences, thoughts, and insights – your audience connects with you on a deeper level. They see the person behind the profile, fostering a genuine connection that makes them more likely to engage with your content.

But how do you achieve this authenticity? 

Well, it’s not about bragging or oversharing. Instead, focus on being relatable. 

Speak your mind (respectfully, of course!) on industry issues, share your unique perspectives, and don’t be afraid to show your personality.

Network Actively

Proactively grow your network by connecting with professionals in your industry. 

  • Attend LinkedIn events, webinars, and join relevant groups to meet new people;
  • Engage with other users’ content by liking, commenting, and sharing.

Use Analytics

Use LinkedIn analytics tool to track metrics, such as engagement rates, follower growth, and post-performance. 

Analyze which types of content get the most reactions, comments, and shares. Use this data to refine your strategy and focus on creating more of the content that your audience loves.

Share Your Journey

People love stories so don’t hesitate to share your professional journey, including both successes and failures. Talk about the lessons you’ve learned, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the milestones you’ve achieved. 

This not only makes your content relatable but also provides inspiration to your audience. Sharing your journey humanizes you and makes your audience feel like they are part of your story.

Be Patient and Persistent

Building influence takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. 

Growth may be slow at first, but with consistent effort, you will see results. Celebrate small milestones and keep pushing forward. 

Plus, don’t hesitate to ask your audience for feedback. This could be through polls, direct messages, or comments. Understanding what your audience likes or dislikes about your content can provide valuable insights. 

Join LinkedIn Influencer Program

Participating in a LinkedIn influencer program can provide additional exposure and credibility. 

These programs often feature prominent influencers and provide tools and resources to help you grow your influence. Research and apply to these programs to take advantage of the benefits they offer.

Bonus perk: You may qualify for a LinkedIn influencer badge

The Difference Between a LinkedIn Influencer and an Influencer on Other Social Media Platforms

LinkedIn influencers differ from those on other social media platforms in several ways:

  1. Professional Focus: LinkedIn is a professional networking site. As such, influencers here are often industry experts and thought leaders rather than celebrities as on other social networks;
  2. Content Type: The content on LinkedIn is more professional and industry-focused. Unlike Instagram or Facebook, LinkedIn posts are less about personal life and more about professional insights;
  3. Audience: LinkedIn users use the platform for career, professional, business purposes. This makes it a deal for B2B marketing and career development. Other social media platforms are more focused on personal stories, entertainment, and B2C marketing;
  4. Engagement Style: Engagement on LinkedIn is more about professional interactions, such as discussions on industry trends. On the other hand, most of the other social platforms revolve around casual conversations.
Outreach Automation on LinkedIn with Dripify


So, are you ready to start your journey as a LinkedIn influencer?  

The rewards are plentiful – establishing yourself as a thought leader, attracting new opportunities, and fostering a thriving online community around your expertise.

Remember, success on LinkedIn requires authenticity, consistency, and a genuine effort to provide value. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your influence grow.

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