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How to Write a LinkedIn Connection Request

How to Write a LinkedIn Connection Request
Last updated: August 12, 2024
Reading time: 7 minutes
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When you think about growing your career or expanding your business, what’s the first platform that comes to mind? It’s likely LinkedIn!

But just having a LinkedIn profile won’t guarantee success. You need to use it the right way to get the results you want. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got your back with our expert tips on how to write the perfect LinkedIn connection request message.

But before we jump in, let’s take a quick look at what LinkedIn connection request is all about and why it is important.

What Is a LinkedIn Connection Request?

What Is a LinkedIn Connection Request?

A LinkedIn connection request is simply a way to connect with someone on the platform. It is similar to sending a Facebook friend request. 

When you visit someone’s LinkedIn profile and hit “Connect,” you’re given two options: 

“Add a Note” and “Send Without a Note.” 

If you choose “Send Without a Note,” LinkedIn sends a basic message with your request: “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”

But this generic message doesn’t help you stand out, especially if you’re trying to reach people who get lots of messages every week.

It is a good idea to choose “Add a Note” because that allows you to include a personalized message in your request. This is your chance to grab someone’s attention and make a connection that could lead to future opportunities.

What is the maximum connection per day that I can send? You can send 20 to 25 requests per day on LinkedIn. That’s the LinkedIn connection request limit that you must keep in mind so your LinkedIn account can have good standing.

Compare LinkedIn InMail vs Connection Request to choose what best suits you.

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The Purpose of LinkedIn Connection Request

LinkedIn connection requests are more than just a click of a button. In fact, they’re opportunities to expand your professional network and gain valuable insights. 

Here’s why they’re important and what you can achieve with them:

  1. Networking: Connection requests on LinkedIn enable you to reach out to professionals beyond your current network. It provides you with an opportunity to establish new connections that could lead to collaborations, job opportunities, or mentorship.
  2. Perception: Before sending a connection request, you get a chance to view the person’s profile. It allows you to gauge how they present themselves professionally and even see their expertise. As such, you get insights into how your potential connection might perceive you in return.
  3. Exchange of Information: Reaching someone on LinkedIn opens the door for communication even beyond LinkedIn. For instance, you can request their email address to continue discussions or share updates relevant to your respective fields.
  4. Company Updates: Connecting with individuals in your industry can provide insider insights and opportunities for collaboration. You can also use these connections to stay updated on industry news and developments.
  5. Professional Research: Before you send a connection request, you may want to explore a person’s profile, including their work history, skills, and endorsements. This information can help tailor your connection request and subsequent interactions.
  6. Network Expansion: Leveraging mutual contacts is a great way to expand your network further. If someone shares connections with your existing contacts, you may want to send them a request to connect. And when they accept your request, it can introduce you to a broader pool of professionals with similar interests or expertise.

Why Are LinkedIn Connection Requests Important?

LinkedIn connection requests are crucial because they offer a direct way to reach out to professionals, even if you haven’t met them personally. They’re the initial step in establishing relationships, exploring career opportunities, and generating leads for your business.

As you know, the potential of LinkedIn is vast. For B2B businesses, using LinkedIn for lead generation is a fundamental aspect of their marketing strategy on LinkedIn. And without connecting with your target audience, you can’t generate enough leads or boost your sales. 

Consider this: the typical company on LinkedIn has over 2,000 connections and is consistently expanding its network. Notably, approximately 80% of Fortune 1000 companies use LinkedIn, making it their preferred choice among social networks. 

When you master how to send an excellent connection request, LinkedIn can be effective for generating leads through networking.

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How to Write a LinkedIn Connection Request Message

Writing personalized messages on LinkedIn may seem time-consuming compared to using standard templates. But don’t fret because, with the right approach, you can streamline the process and send out requests in no time.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to composing the best LinkedIn connection request message:

  • Greet with warmth: Start your message with a friendly greeting, addressing the recipient by their first name. And if appropriate, acknowledge any professional titles they hold, such as “Dr.” 
  • Introduce yourself confidently: Next, clearly state your name and position. If you share a mutual connection, mention them because it adds credibility to your request. For students, make sure to provide relevant details like your grade, school, field of study, and future aspirations, whether it’s pursuing a PhD or seeking internships.
  • Share how you found them: After introducing yourself, briefly explain how you found their profile. Did a mutual connection recommend them? Did you meet at a networking event? Or did you come across their profile while browsing LinkedIn job boards?
How to Write a LinkedIn Connection Request Message: Share how you found them
  • Highlight common ground: Identify any shared interests, alma maters, employers, or other relevant similarities between you and the recipient. Finding common ground can help you establish rapport and make your request more compelling.
  • State your purpose: The next step is to clearly articulate why you’re reaching out. Are you looking to expand your professional network within your industry? Or are you actively seeking new job opportunities? Remember, being upfront about your intentions fosters transparency and clarity.
  • End with appreciation: Finally, wrap up your message with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you for your time” or “I look forward to connecting.” Also, it is good to sign off with your name to add a personal touch.

Throughout your message, make sure to maintain a professional yet friendly tone. Strike a balance between professionalism and approachability. Your message should exude warmth and sincerity while adhering to professional etiquette. 

Additionally, you should remember to follow up after sending the request. Whether it’s continuing the conversation online or suggesting a phone call or coffee meeting, nurturing the connection is key to building meaningful relationships.

Here are 20+ LinkedIn connection message templates for any purpose.

What to Say in a Connection Request Message on LinkedIn

It’s no secret that personalizing your message to suit each unique situation is essential for effective LinkedIn networking

For instance, when reaching out for career advice, it’s vital to tailor your message to highlight specific questions or areas where you need guidance. You can do this by mentioning a shared interest, alma mater, skills, or connection. This approach will demonstrate sincerity and increase the likelihood of receiving a good response.

Similarly, when requesting feedback on application materials, it’s crucial to acknowledge the recipient’s expertise and time. 

For example, you might admire their work in the field and politely request their insights on your resume or cover letter. When you contextualize your message, it shows respect for the recipient’s knowledge and increases the chances of your request being accepted. 

Also, remember that building long-term relationships on LinkedIn requires consistent engagement and thoughtful communication. This might involve regularly interacting with your connections’ posts, sharing relevant industry articles, or participating in discussions. 

What NOT to Say in a Connection Request Message on LinkedIn

Now that you know how to write a perfect connection request, let’s go over things not to say in your message. 

  • Avoid overly casual language: LinkedIn is a professional platform, so refrain from using slang, too many emojis, or overly informal language in your connection request.
What NOT to Say in a Connection Request Message on LinkedIn: Avoid overly casual language
  • Don’t be too generic: Don’t send the same generic message to everyone, as it can come across as impersonal and insincere. Instead, tailor your message to the individual you’re reaching out to. Not doing so will reduce the likelihood of someone wanting to remove connections on LinkedIn.
  • Avoid self-promotion: While it’s okay to briefly mention your background or expertise, do not turn your connection request into a sales pitch. Make sure to focus on building a genuine connection rather than promoting yourself or your products/services.
  • Don’t ask for favors immediately: When it comes to professional networking, it is about establishing mutually beneficial relationships over time. As such, you shouldn’t ask for favors or assistance in your connection request message.
  • Avoid being too lengthy: Keep your message concise. Long, rambling messages can be overwhelming and may deter the recipient from accepting your request. How many characters in a LinkedIn connection request is ideal? You must follow LinkedIn’s character limit of 300 for sending a connection request.
  • Don’t forget to proofread: Spelling and grammar mistakes can make you appear unprofessional. So, take the time to proofread your message before sending it to ensure it’s error-free.
  • Don’t sound aggressive: Pushy or aggressive language can be off-putting. Instead, be polite and respectful in your approach.
What NOT to Say in a Connection Request Message on LinkedIn: Don't sound aggressive

Tips to Customize LinkedIn Connection Request

Now, let’s look at some quick tips to tailor your connection request message on the LinkedIn:

  • Mention something specific you found interesting, like a recent achievement or shared interest you saw on their profile.
  • Mention mutual connections, industry backgrounds, or common interests.
  • Reference any articles, insights, or discussions they’ve shared on LinkedIn.
  • Clearly tell why you want to connect and what you hope to get out of it.
  • Avoid using generic templates and tailor each message to the individual recipient.
  • Want to send an automatic LinkedIn connection request? Be sure to use Dripify, a trusted sales automation tool for sending connection requests in bulk. 

Below are two examples for your inspiration:

“Hi John, I saw you got promoted to Senior Marketing Manager. Congrats!! Let’s connect and chat about the latest trends in digital marketing.”

“Hello Sarah, Your recent article on AI integration in marketing was insightful. I found your perspective on data analytics particularly interesting. Let’s connect and discuss further.”

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As you can see, writing a good connection request is key to building valuable professional relationships on LinkedIn. When writing a message to connect on the network, be sure to keep it personalized, find common ground, state your purpose clearly, and end with a friendly invite for further chat. 

Networking is about real connections, so keep it genuine!

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