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Meeting Request Email Examples and Tips

Meeting Request Email Examples and Tips
Last updated: December 23, 2023
Reading time: 17 minutes
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Are you tired of your meeting request emails disappearing into the abyss of inboxes? Do you wish to connect with leads, decision-makers, thought leaders, or potential collaborators but need help to spark their interest? You’re not alone! Most people experience challenges to set up a meeting email. 

But don’t worry because we have your back. Imagine your inbox filling up with responses eager to set up a meeting. With the techniques you’re about to learn, you’ll stand out from the crowd, convey your intentions clearly, and provide value even before the meeting happens.

Remember, the power of a well-crafted meeting request email goes beyond the words on the screen; it’s about understanding human dynamics, resonating with desires, and sparking genuine interest. 

So, welcome to your comprehensive guide on how to craft an effective asking for a meeting email that gets noticed and leads to successful appointments. Discover various email samples or templates, and valuable tips to help you master the art of requesting meetings via email.

How to Request a Meeting via Email

Requesting a meeting via email isn’t just about typing a few lines and hitting “send”. It’s an art that involves understanding your recipient, crafting a compelling message, and leveraging email variables

Here’re some essential tips to set up a meeting email:

1. Subject Line Mastery

Your meeting request subject line is the gateway to your email. It’s your first impression, your chance to stand out in a crowded inbox. Instead of generic subject lines like “Meeting Request”, consider using intriguing phrases that evoke curiosity. Think about addressing a specific benefit or outcome to entice your recipient to open your email.

Start strong with a subject line that grabs attention. Use keywords like “Opportunity to Connect” or “Discuss Exciting Ventures” to pique curiosity.

Example: “Unlocking New Avenues: Let’s Connect and Explore”

2. Personalization Speaks Volumes

The days of one-size-fits-all emails are gone. Instead, start your email by addressing your recipient by their name and referencing a recent interaction or shared interest. A deep personalization approach indicates that you’ve done your homework and care about building a genuine connection.

Example: “Hi [Recipient’s Name], I enjoyed your recent article on [specific topic], and it got me thinking about our potential synergy.”

3. The Power of Clear Purpose

Be straightforward about why you’re requesting a meeting; clearly state your intention and what you hope to achieve from the interaction. This helps your recipient understand the value they’ll gain by granting you their time.

Example: “I’m reaching out to discuss how our expertise in [your field] can complement your current projects and bring innovative solutions.”

4. Address Pain Points

Demonstrate that you understand your recipient’s challenges or pain points. Again, this calls for research and use of email personalization strategy. It is a good idea to highlight how your proposed meeting can help alleviate these challenges or provide solutions. 

Example: “I’ve noticed your recent struggles with [specific issue], and I believe a discussion could offer fresh insights to overcome this hurdle.”

5. Propose Specific Time Slots: Make it Effortless

Instead of leaving the scheduling to your recipient, suggest a few specific time slots for the meeting. This shows your willingness to accommodate their schedule and makes it easier for them to respond.

Example: “I’ve checked my availability, and I propose [Date and Time Option 1] or [Date and Time Option 2] for our conversation.”

6. The Art of the Call to Action

Meeting request email: Call-to-Action

Conclude your email with a clear call to action. Politely ask for the meeting, provide a way for them to respond, and make sure it’s crystal clear what you want them to do next.

Example: “Could you please let me know which of these time slots works best for you? I’m looking forward to connecting.”

7. Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Show appreciation for your recipient’s time and consideration. This human touch creates a positive impression and enhances the likelihood of a favorable response.

Example: “Thank you for considering my request. Your insights would be incredibly valuable to me, and I’m excited about the potential of our conversation.”

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Request for Meeting Email Samples and Templates

Here are various meeting request email samples and templates tailored to different scenarios. Pick a schedule a meeting email sample that suits your situation and scenario and get immediate responses. 

Appointment Request Email 

Subject: Exploring Collaboration Opportunities

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’ve been following your work on [specific topic], and I’m truly impressed by your insights. I’d love to discuss potential collaboration opportunities that can benefit both of us.

I am very interested in [explain your interest or reason for the appointment, providing a bit more context]. After researching and learning about [mention any relevant information you’ve gathered], I am convinced that a meeting with you would be extremely valuable in helping me [state the goals or outcomes you hope to achieve through the appointment].

I am flexible with my schedule and am willing to accommodate a time that is convenient for you. Ideally, I would appreciate it if we could meet sometime during [suggest a range of dates and times that work for you]. 

Please let me know if there’s any additional information you require from my end before confirming the appointment. I understand the demands of your time and truly appreciate your consideration of my request.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet with you and discuss [topic] further. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Looking forward to connecting,

[Your Full Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

Meeting Request Email to Colleagues

Subject: Let’s Innovate Together: Brainstorming Session for Project X

Hi [Colleague’s Name],

Your contributions during our recent team meeting have left me inspired and eager to collaborate further. I believe we have a unique opportunity to take our project, “X-ceptional Innovations,” to new heights.

I’m reaching out to propose a brainstorming session where we can collectively explore creative strategies to enhance our project’s impact. Your expertise in [Colleague’s Expertise] and your ability to think outside the box make you an invaluable asset to this endeavor.

Considering our busy schedules, I’ve looked into potential time slots that might work for both of us. How about we connect either on [Date and Time Option 1] or [Date and Time Option 2]? Of course, if these times aren’t convenient for you, please let me know, and we can find a suitable alternative.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our shared goals. I’m looking forward to collaborating with you and exploring the uncharted possibilities that lie ahead.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Email to Arrange a Meeting With Client

Subject: Meeting Request to Discuss Your Project Needs

Hi [Client’s Name],

I’ve been following your project closely, and I’m impressed by the direction you’re taking. Your commitment to innovation aligns perfectly with our expertise, and I believe there’s potential for a fruitful collaboration.

I’d love the opportunity to discuss your project needs in more detail and explore how we can contribute to its success. Your vision resonates with us, and I’m confident that our capabilities can complement your objectives.

Considering your busy schedule, I propose that we meet at your convenience. Could we schedule a call or meeting on [Date and Time Options]? If you need a different time, please let me know your availability, and I’ll do my best to accommodate.

Thank you for considering this collaboration opportunity.

Best regards,

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Follow Up Email for Meeting Request

Subject: Meeting Request Follow Up

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous meeting request to discuss [topic] with you. Your insights and expertise in this area would be incredibly valuable to me.

I understand how busy schedules can get, and I truly appreciate your time. If you’ve had a chance to consider the meeting, I’d be grateful for the opportunity to connect. 

If the proposed times aren’t convenient, please let me know your availability, and I’ll be flexible in accommodating your schedule.

If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for considering my request. d I look forward to the possibility of connecting.

Best regards,

[Your Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

Meeting Request Email to Manager

Subject: Discussion on Workflow Improvement

Hi [Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’ve been giving thought to some ideas that I believe could enhance our team’s performance and contribute to our ongoing projects. Your guidance and insights have always been invaluable, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss these concepts further.

If it’s possible, could we schedule a brief meeting sometime this week to review these ideas? Your feedback would help refine our strategies and align them with our department’s goals.

I’ve checked my availability, and I suggest the following time slots for our meeting:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

However, I understand if these times need to align with your schedule. Please let me know your availability, and I’ll adjust accordingly.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Looking forward to our conversation.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Email to Schedule a Meeting for Boss

Subject: Request for Meeting on [Date] for [Topic/Reason]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing on behalf of [Your Boss’s Name], who is interested in discussing [Topic/Reason] with you. Your expertise and insights would greatly contribute to the conversation.

If you’re available, we would like to propose a meeting on [Date] at [Time] in [Location or Virtual Platform]. However, we understand that your schedule may be busy, and we are open to adjusting the time or date to accommodate your availability.

Please let me know if the proposed time works for you or if you have any alternative suggestions. We value your input and look forward to the opportunity to meet and discuss [Topic/Reason] with you.

Thank you for considering this request, and we hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Email Request to Reschedule a Meeting

Subject: Request to Reschedule Upcoming Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to reach out and kindly request to reschedule our upcoming meeting scheduled for [Date and Time]. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I won’t be available at the previously agreed time.

I value our discussions and the importance of the meeting agenda, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this rescheduling might cause. I’m committed to finding an alternative time that works for both of us.

Could we explore the possibility of rescheduling the meeting for [Proposed Date and Time]? If this doesn’t align with your schedule, please let me know your availability, and I’ll make sure to adjust accordingly.

I appreciate your understanding and flexibility in this matter. Your time is valuable, and I want to ensure that our meeting is as productive as possible.

Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward to your response.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

One on One Meeting Request Email

Subject: Request for One-on-One Discussion

Hi [Colleague’s Name],

I’ve been thinking about our recent projects and the potential for collaboration, and I believe a one-on-one conversation could be incredibly beneficial. For that reason, I am sending you a face-to-face meeting request email

I admire your expertise in [Colleague’s Expertise] and your approach to [Specific Area]. I’m particularly interested in discussing [Topic/Agenda] and exploring ways we can work together to achieve our goals.

If you’re available, could we schedule a one-on-one meeting sometime this week? I’ve checked my schedule, and I propose the following time slots:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

However, I understand your schedule may be busy, and I’m more than happy to adjust based on your availability. Please let me know when it suits you best.

Thank you for considering this request. Your insights and collaboration would be valuable, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to connect.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Formal Meeting Request Email

Subject: Formal Meeting Request: Discussion on [Topic/Agenda]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a meeting with you to discuss [Topic/Agenda]. Your expertise in this area is highly regarded, and I believe your insights could provide valuable perspectives on our upcoming initiatives.

If possible, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet at your earliest convenience. I understand your schedule may be busy, so I am flexible and willing to adjust my availability to accommodate yours.

Could we explore the possibility of scheduling the meeting for [Proposed Date and Time]? If this isn’t suitable, please let me know your preferred time, and I will make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you for considering this request. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Urgent Meeting Request Email

Subject: Urgent: Immediate Meeting Required

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

We are currently facing a critical situation [briefly describe situation] that requires your immediate attention and expertise.

Given the urgency of the matter, I kindly request a meeting at your earliest convenience. Our team greatly values your input, and we believe your insights are essential in addressing the challenges we are currently encountering.

Could we please schedule a meeting within the next 24 hours? Your swift response is highly appreciated, and we are confident that your guidance will help us navigate this situation effectively.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter. 

Please let us know your availability as soon as possible.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Professional Email to Request a Meeting

Subject: Seeking a Productive Meeting to Discuss [Topic/Agenda]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I’ve been following your work closely, particularly your expertise in [Recipient’s Expertise]. I’m impressed by your accomplishments, and I believe a conversation between us could lead to exciting opportunities.

I’m reaching out to request a meeting where we can explore potential collaborations and synergies. Your insights align perfectly with my goals, and I’m eager to discuss how we can work together to achieve them.

If it suits your schedule, could we schedule a meeting in the coming weeks? I’ve looked into my availability, and I propose the following time slots:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

However, I understand if these times are not convenient for you. Please feel free to suggest an alternative time that works best for you.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Request a Meeting With a CEO Email

Subject: Meeting Request with CEO: Exploring Collaboration Opportunities

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am reaching out to you with a request to schedule a meeting with your [Company Name]’s CEO, [CEO’s Name]. I am impressed by the remarkable achievements of [Company Name] and believe there could be potential synergies between our organizations.

I understand that the CEO’s schedule is likely quite busy, but I believe a discussion could be mutually beneficial. I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist in arranging a meeting at a time that works for both [CEO’s Name] and myself.

If possible, I suggest the following time slots for our meeting:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

Of course, I am flexible and open to adjusting based on the CEO’s availability. Please let me know if there is a convenient time for [CEO’s Name] to connect, and I will ensure my schedule aligns accordingly.

Thank you for your assistance and consideration. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Request for Appointment With Professor Email

Subject: Request for Appointment: Seeking Guidance and Insights

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I am a passionate student in the field of [Your Field of Study] at [Your University/Institution]. Your extensive work in [Professor’s Area of Expertise] has truly inspired me, and I am eager to seek your guidance and insights.

I am interested in delving deeper into [Specific Topic or Research Area], and I believe your expertise would provide invaluable perspectives. If possible, could we schedule a meeting where I can discuss my interests and seek your advice on potential research directions?

I understand your schedule may be busy, but I am willing to adjust my availability to accommodate yours. If it works for you, I suggest the following time slots for our meeting:

[Date and Time Option 1]

[Date and Time Option 2]

However, I am open to alternative times if these are not suitable.

Thank you for considering my request. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your University/Institution] 

[Your Contact Information]

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Meeting Request by Email to a Director

Subject: Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration

Hi [Director’s Name],

I am reaching out to request a meeting with you to discuss potential collaboration opportunities between [Your Company/Institution] and [Director’s Company/Institution]. I am impressed by the exceptional work done under your leadership and believe there could be mutual benefits in working together.

I understand your schedule may be demanding, but I am hopeful for the chance to connect. If possible, could we schedule a meeting to explore how our organizations can complement each other’s strengths and achieve shared goals?

I’ve checked my availability, and I suggest the following time slots for our meeting:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

I am more than willing to adjust my schedule to accommodate your schedule. Please let me know if these times work for you or if you’d prefer a different time.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Business Meeting Request Email

Subject: Exploring Partnership Opportunities

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a meeting to discuss potential partnership opportunities between our companies. I have been impressed by the work your team is doing at [Company Name], and I believe there could be exciting synergies between our organizations.

If it suits your schedule, could we arrange a meeting in the upcoming weeks to explore how we can collaborate? I’ve looked into my availability, and I propose the following time slots:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

Of course, I am open to adjusting the timing based on your availability. 

Looking forward to your response and the possibility of a fruitful discussion.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Email Requesting Availability for a Meeting

Subject: Seeking Your Availability for a Meeting

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I am interested in discussing [Topic/Agenda] with you and would like to know your availability for a potential meeting.

Could you please let me know your availability for the upcoming week? I am flexible and can adjust my schedule to accommodate a time that works for you.

Your input on [Topic/Agenda] would be invaluable, and I am looking forward to the opportunity to connect.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title]

[Your Contact Information]

Lunch Meeting Request Email

Subject: Invitation for a Lunch Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I would like to extend an invitation for a lunch meeting to discuss [Topic/Agenda] in a more informal setting.

If it suits your schedule, could we meet for lunch at [Restaurant Name or Location] on [Date] at [Time]? I believe a relaxed environment could facilitate a more productive discussion.

Please let me know if this works for you or if you have an alternative suggestion. I look forward to the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas.

Thank you for considering my invitation.

Warm regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Request for a Professional Meeting by Email for Cold Contact

Subject: Exploring Possibilities for a Conversation

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently came across your work and have been inspired by your accomplishments in [Recipient’s Area of Expertise]. I believe our shared interests could lead to exciting collaboration opportunities.

If you’re open to it, I would love to have a brief virtual meeting to discuss potential ways we could work together. I understand your schedule may be busy, but I believe our conversation could be mutually beneficial.

Could we schedule a 15-minute call at your convenience to explore potential synergies? I’m flexible with time, so please let me know a date and time that work for you.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of connecting and discussing the exciting potential ahead.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

LinkedIn Professional Contact Request

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I recently came across your profile on LinkedIn and was intrigued by your impressive background in [Recipient’s Area of Expertise].

As someone who values connecting with professionals who share similar interests, I believe that building a network of like-minded individuals can lead to valuable insights and potential collaborations.

I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn and expand our professional networks. If you’re open to it, please feel free to accept my LinkedIn connection request. I’m looking forward to the possibility of engaging with your content and perhaps even discussing mutual interests.

Thank you for considering my request. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL]

Request for an Appointment Reminder by Email

Subject: Gentle Reminder: Request for Upcoming Meeting

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to remind you about our scheduled meeting on [Date] at [Time]. I appreciate your busy schedule and understand that things can slip off the radar.

If there are any changes or if you need to reschedule, please let me know at your earliest convenience. I value your time and look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss [Topic/Agenda].

Thank you for your attention, and I’m looking forward to our meeting.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Professional Appointment Request by Email for an HR

Subject: Exploring Opportunities at [Company Name]

Dear [HR’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am interested in potential career opportunities at [Company Name] and would love the chance to learn more about the company’s culture, values, and available positions.

Could we schedule a brief meeting where I can gain insights into [Company Name]’s work environment and discuss potential roles that align with my skills and aspirations? I’m enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to your team.

I’ve looked into my availability, and I propose the following time slots for our meeting:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

Please let me know if either of these times works for you or if you have an alternative suggestion.

Thank you for considering my request. 

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

Cold Email Meeting Request

Subject: Exploring Potential Synergies

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Title] at [Your Company]. I recently came across your work and am impressed by your achievements in [Recipient’s Area of Expertise].

I believe that our organizations could benefit from exploring potential synergies. If you’re open to it, I would love the opportunity to have a brief virtual meeting to discuss how we could collaborate.

I understand your time is valuable, so I am flexible to accommodate your schedule. Could we arrange a 15-minute call at a time that suits you?

Thank you for considering my request. I am excited about the possibility of connecting and exploring ways we can work together.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Sales Meeting Request Email

Subject: Exploring Solutions: Request for a Sales Meeting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I am reaching out from [Your Company], and I believe our products/services align well with your needs.

I would like to propose a meeting to discuss how our solutions could benefit your organization. Could we schedule a time to connect and explore potential ways to address your challenges?

I’ve looked into my availability, and I suggest the following time slots for our meeting:

  • [Date and Time Option 1]
  • [Date and Time Option 2]

However, I am open to adjusting the timing based on your availability. I am confident that our discussion could be valuable for your objectives.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss the potential collaboration.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Team Meeting Request Email

Subject: Request for Team Meeting to Align Our Efforts

Hi [Team’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I believe it’s time for us to come together and align our efforts for [Project/Goal]. A team meeting would provide us with the opportunity to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps.

If it works for everyone, could we schedule a team meeting on [Date and Time]? Please let me know your availability, and I will make sure the meeting is productive and focused on our objectives.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Our collective efforts are essential to our success, and I look forward to our discussion.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Requesting a Phone Call Meeting Email

Subject: Request for a Phone Call: Discussing [Topic/Agenda]

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I’m interested in discussing [Topic/Agenda] with you and believe a phone call could be the most efficient way to connect.

Could we schedule a brief phone call to discuss this matter? I believe your insights would be invaluable, and I am eager to learn from your perspective.

Please let me know your availability, and I’ll make sure to adjust my schedule accordingly. 

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to our conversation.

Best regards, 

[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Contact Information]

Also, check email outreach templates for any purpose.

How to Write a Professional Email to Request a Meeting – Tips

Crafting an effective email meeting invitation involves more than just typing out words. It requires a thoughtful approach that not only communicates your intentions clearly but also conveys professionalism and respect for the recipient’s time. 

Here are some valuable tips to help you write a professional meeting request email that gets results:

1. Be Concise

Busy professionals appreciate brevity. As such, try to craft your message with clarity and efficiency, getting to the heart of your request without unnecessary fluff. When your email is concise, it demonstrates respect for the recipient’s time and increases the likelihood of a favorable response.

2. Create Urgency

Meeting request email: Create Urgency

Time is a valuable commodity, and by highlighting the urgency of your request, you prompt the recipient to take action quickly. Whether it’s a pressing project, an imminent opportunity, or a time-limited window for collaboration, conveying the urgency effectively can motivate them to prioritize your meeting request.

3. Use Social Proof

If applicable, mention mutual connections, shared interests, or previous collaborations. Social proof underscores the relevance and potential value of the meeting.

4. Show Confidence

Express your enthusiasm and confidence in the potential benefits of the meeting. Clearly articulate why you believe the meeting could lead to valuable insights, collaboration, or shared achievements. 

5. Highlight Common Goals

Demonstrate that you’ve done your homework by identifying how the meeting aligns with the recipient’s interests, objectives, or challenges. When you show that the meeting is mutually beneficial and can help them achieve their goals, you pique their interest and showcase your understanding of their priorities.

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By now, you’re armed with the knowledge and the right meeting email sample to compose a compelling meeting request that resonates with your recipient. Remember, personalization is your secret weapon — tailor your messages, highlight benefits, and show genuine interest in your recipients’ needs. 

Whether you want to request a meeting with a CEO, a colleague, a potential client, or a professor, use this guide as your reference. With the tips and meeting email examples provided above, you’ll master the art of requesting meetings and opening doors to opportunities.

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