Dripify stands with Ukraine

Since February 24th, the entire world has united and is currently helping Ukraine to fight back against the russian invasion. Ukraine’s biggest cities face daily rocket attacks, while millions try their best to protect peace at home and worldwide

While the world’s leaders ensure the russian government pays a severe economic and diplomatic price for its invasion, you still can help

Below are links to trustworthy & verified organizations in need of funds to continue supporting and caring for the people of Ukraine

Join Dripify and thousands of companies from all over the globe that are standing with Ukraine and helping the Ukrainian military expel russian troops from the country

Information you can trust

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what is going on in Ukraine. Misleading images and videos as well as false news stories have surfaced online. We urge you to rely only on credible, fact-checked sources to stay informed

Consider verifying your source with a respected journalism organization, such as Time, Unicef, BBC, CNN, Elle, The Guardian

Thank you! Slava Ukraini! The Dripify Team